Page 39 of Liberation

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“I know it’s not ideal, but I’m balancing things the best way I know how.” I pop my jaw.

“These secrets are gonna burn you, Jace. Don’t fool yourself into thinking they won’t.” He shakes his head, a solemn warning. “Are they worth it?”

“Yeah.” I let my head fall back against the wall. “Yeah, I think they are.”

Chapter 19


Carter’sofficeisbeautiful.So much so, that I’m a little worried he’ll have to call in a cleaning crew after I leave, given that I’ve got dirt in every nook, cranny and crevice on my body. Perks of working outdoors.

I take a seat in the leather chair he gestures to, facing him over the expanse of his cherry wood desk. It’s framed by a massive window overlooking Katah Vista mountain. I suppose if you're not going to work outside, this view is the next best thing.

Wiping my sweaty palms on my shorts, I wait for him to finish his call. Carter didn’t make me nervous the first time we met, but something about the antique desk between me and his commanding tone has my stomach in knots. Or maybe it’s not the man himself for the fact I slept with his employee—myemployee, twice now—that has me off kilter.

Not only that, but I fucked both himandhis roommate at the same time.

Just like the first time with each of them, they made me feel special. Cherished. How that’s possible in the midst of something that seems like it should be taboo I have no idea, but there’s no doubt in my mind it’s true. Blake was gentle and observant, reading and responding to my silent cues. Jace was patient, yet commanding, providing the guidance and instruction that ensured all of us were satisfied. Together they made the experience beautiful in spite of the forbidden nature of things, and it worked out so well I can honestly say my body wants more. My heart, on the other hand, is hesitant.

I already caught a case of the feels for each of them the first time we were together, though I was rational enough not to dwell on it. I accepted that those were special moments not special beginnings, mainly because they couldn’t be the beginning of anything at the time.

Last night falls into the former category. It was one night. One incredible, mind-blowing, perfect night, but ultimately just one. If I keep it up, I could see it becoming the latter in my mind, which is a problem considering there’stwoof them. I can’t have a special beginning with two people. Right?

Of course, I can’t. That’s ridiculous. Does that mean I should stop this thing now before I develop feelings for both of them? Probably. Definitely. Will I? That’s…

“Sorry about that.” I jump when the receiver hits its cradle with a crack. “The forest service wants to push back our opening date because of some bird migration. What birds in the air have to do with snow on the ground is beyond me, but they’re afraid the overlap would hurt the birds. “If it’s not one thing…” Carter trails off, shaking his head with frustration.

“I’m sorry. Should I come back another time?” There’s nothing worse than meeting with someone who’s in a bad mood before you even start to speak.

“No, let’s hear the update on the bike park. I need some good news.”

That I can do.A relieved smile spreads across my face. “I’ve got lots of that. The first trail, which we’ve nicknamed Grasshopper, is about twenty-five percent done. It starts off with some nice switchbacks that weave down the steeper terrain at the top, a safer option than pointing the trail straight downhill, and it will finish with some long, rolling straightaways toward the bottom. We’re on track to finish that by the end of the season as sort of a preview to what we’re bringing to the mountain.”

“Good, good.” He nods, pausing so I can continue.

“We’re also making progress on the path for the trails we’ll be starting on next season. The switchbacks turned out so well on Grasshopper that we’d like to duplicate them on a blue or even a black run, only with taller berms to accommodate higher speeds. The goal will be to create a luge effect so bikers can ride the wall of the trail. Closer to the base area, the trail will end in a series of jumps, rollers for the blue trails and table-tops for black.”

“You’ll have clear signage to indicate which trails are which? I don’t want a green rider ending up on a black trail.” Carter’s tone is firm, leaving no doubt safety is his top priority. I respect that.

“Yes, sir. Plus, the trails won’t merge, so unless a rider cuts between trails there shouldn’t be any crossover where people end up on a route that’s too advanced for them.”

“Sounds like everything is on schedule. And what about you? How are you doing?” Though his eyes are gentle his stare is intense, setting me on edge.

He doesn’t… He couldn’t… There’s no way he could know, right?,

“I’m…” I swallow under the weight of his gaze. “I’m doing well.”

“Have you met anyone yet or explored the town?” Though he can’t be too much older than me, he’s making me feel like a parent asking their kid if they've finished their homework.

“I went to Murphy’s?” It comes out like a question, causing blood to rush to my cheeks.

“Best fries in town.” Carter grins. I return it with a shy smile of my own.

“So, listen.” He leans forward, resting his forearms on the desk. “It wasn’t that long ago I moved here and spent the first year holed up here in the resort, thinking I had too much work on my plate to do anything else. I don’t want you to make my same mistake. Make sure to get out and experience the town. There’s nowhere else like it.”

My heartbeat returns to normal with the realization that Carter’s only looking out for me, not speculating about my private life, and I give him a genuine smile. “I will. Promise.”

Scooting off the chair, I give him a tiny wave then head several floors down to my office, where Blake’s waiting patiently in the chair next to my desk.Shit – I totally forgot I told him to be here before the whole sex with two gorgeous men thing came up.
