Page 47 of Liberation

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“You have met someone.” I hear the sly smile in her voice.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Your silence says it all.”

“Hardly,” I mutter under my breath as my mind wanders totwosexy faces.

“What was that?”I swear the woman has bionic ears.“You know I’ll drive to Katah Vista so you can tell me in person if you don’t tell me now. Who is he?”

I puff out my cheeks and exhale slowly, stalling to brace for her reaction. “Remember how I hooked up with a guy right before I got this job offer?”

“Omigosh. The sandy-haired one that was super-hot without any ego?”

“That’s the one. Blake.” At least she recalled the lack of ego detail. It’ll make him sound better when she hears the full story.

“You hooked up with him again?” Her voice rises several octaves as her excitement mounts.

“Turns out he lives here. And works at the mountain. He was in Utah to meet with Jackson, and I missed that meeting since I was on my way back from visiting you. I just happened to run into him that night and, well, the rest you know.”

“Holy wow! So you reconnected? That’s amazing. I remember you telling me what a good guy he is, sort of like that one you met right after you broke up with Brian. What was his name? Jason? Josh? Something with a J.”

“Jace. Yeah. So, funny story. Jace lives here, too.” My palms are suddenly sweaty, and I trap the phone between my ear and my shoulder so I can wipe them on my shorts.

“Get out! I thought he traveled for his job or something.”

“He does. Or did. Now, he lives here. With Blake. They’re roommates.” I swear my heart is about to beat out of my chest. I’ve never felt so anxious in my life. Not even the first time I slept withboththe guys. That was a breeze compared to this.

“Oh crap.” She sucks in a breath. “What are the odds the only two men you’ve had an interest in since Brian are roommates? Do they know you hooked up with both of them?”

“Yeah… They know.”

“Is that awkward?” Her voice is tinged with concern.

“Not as awkward as you’d think.”

“So, wait. Which one did you reconnect with?”

I wring my hands together, gathering courage. “Both,” I squeak.

The line goes dead silent.

“Oh honey, oh no. You can’t do that. They live together, it’s going to come out that you’ve been with them both. Again. You don’t want to be stuck in the middle of two friends.”

“I’m not going behind anyone’s back.”

More silence. I don’t know whether to be frustrated or relieved that I can’t see her face to know what she’s thinking.

“They know about each other?”

“Intimately.” A pan clatters in the background, and I have to cover my mouth with my hand to stop the laugh from escaping.Poor Liz. She probably thought I couldn’t shock her any worse than I did with the pink hair.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“We sort of have an arrangement.”

“We?As in the three of you?”

“Yep.” I press my lips together and wait for her reaction.
