Page 49 of Liberation

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“I’m a simple guy.”

Her hand shoots toward me, brushing the back of her knuckles over my semi-hard dick. “And a horny one.”

“You have no idea,” I growl, pulling her hand away from my junk before things getreallyuncomfortable and giving her fingers a squeeze. “But my cock isn’t coming out while we’re on the clock.”NeverthoughtI’dbethe responsible voice about screwing around at work.

“We’re on a lunch break,” she objects.

“Which is almost over.” I point at my watch.

“ItisFriday.” She chews on her lip as the gears in her head spin. “I bet the crew would be excited to start their weekend a few hours early. Let’s call it a day.”

I arch a brow in her direction. “I never pegged you for the type to be a bad influence, boss.”

“I’m a great influence.” Her tongue swipes her bottom lip suggestively, and I stifle back a groan.

“Yeah, great,” I snort. “Tell you what, I’ll give the guys the afternoon off while you put your bike away. Meet me at the house in say, an hour?”

“Deal.” She squeals as I pinch her ass, then takes off toward her place. I take a minute to text Jace and fill him in on our plans so he can meet us, then ride toward the worksite, using the quiet to collect my thoughts.

Even though I could have Becca to myself for the afternoon—something I think she’d be game for and which I do eventually want—neither Jace or I has had her to ourselves since the three of us started sleeping together, and it feels strange to think about. Not wrong, but not exactly right either, given that we haven’t told her we’ve fallen for her. Or that Jace and I have those same feelings for each other.

Becca deserves to know how we feel before things go any further. For now, that just means telling her Jace and I are bi, and that we want the three of us to date each other. It’s too soon to spring the ‘L’ word on her. Still, I want her to know this thing between us is more than just a casual hookup. It doesn’t feel right to have sex until we do that, and even though I know it’s the right thing, I’m fucking terrified.

What if she doesn’t like the idea of two men together physically? If she can’t wrap her head around that then there’s no way she’d accept the two of us dating or being in love. Or the three of us being together.

So many things can go wrong, and that doesn’t include what could happen outside our little bubble.

I’m not afraid of people learning that I like menandwomen, or that I have a relationship with both—if Becca’s willing to pursue that. Nervous maybe, but not because of what my secretisso much as the fact that I’ve been keeping it. My friends and family are liberal enough not to disown me or anything, but they might be offended over the fact I didn’t speak up sooner. And they might be wary of me dating a mananda woman. Hell, I was leery of that at first, but now that I’m in it, I can’t imagine life any other way.

I sort of wish I’d come to terms with my sexuality earlier. Maybe then I wouldn’t have been so confused about who I was, or hidden part of myself on the off chance I’d never have to reveal it. Then I wouldn’t be freaking out about what I should say.

Speaking of the big reveal, I have no idea how to approach that, with Becca or anyone else. Jace said the key is being open and honest, but that’s not what I get hung up on. My roadblock comes with how to start the conversation.

Do we blurt it out, 'hey, Jace and I are bi and we like to fuck each other?' Or do I ask her to sit down and potentially freak her out and make her think I’m about to drop a bombshell on her. So far, those are the only two options I've come up with. It's either rip the band aid off or peel it back slowly. Neither sound like great choices.

And once we clear that hurdle, how do we tell her we want more? Do we throw it out casually, like ‘hey, as long as we’re all sleeping together why don’t we date?’Or do we skip the dating thing and go straight to ‘will you be our girlfriend?’

There’s no good opening that I can see, but I have to find one, because she deserves to know where my head is at. Whereourheads are at. And until we do that, I’m not sure it’s fair to share her body.

It’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago I wasn’t sold on the idea that a relationship with three people could work, and now I want it so desperately I’m nearly sick with anxiety. Jace’s stable presence and Becca’s limitless joy, his hard angles and her soft curves. They’re the perfect compliment to each other, to me, and I need them both like I need air to breathe.

After sending the guys home, I head to the employee lockers for a quick shower, hoping it will wipe away the sweat from the trail and calm my nerves, which shifted from slightly turned on to all out panic the deeper I sunk into my thoughts. Then I hop on the bus, grateful I’m not the one driving since my leg won’t stop bouncing.Please don’t let this be the end.

Becca’s and Jace’s cars are already here when I get home—my shower ran long since I needed the extra time to compose myself—and I relax a bit knowing Jace’s rational air and calming demeanor will help me get through the conversation I’m both impatient for and dreading. I take a deep breath and open the front door.

Beyond the tiny entry I can just make out the back of Jace’s head on the couch, and hear the heavy, rhythmic breaths echoing through the room. Striding quietly forward the view opens up, and I see Becca sitting on Jace’s lap, tits bouncing subtly as she grinds on his cock.

Damn. Although, I was expecting awkward conversation to come before sexy times—if sex was on the table at all—I can’t complain about coming home to this. The sight of them together, completely enthralled, is mesmerizing. It makes me happy. I lean against the wall to watch.

A faint musky smell drifts through the air as their bodies come together, over and over again, colliding with a smack that echoes through the room. Becca’s hands are braced on his shoulders for balance, while his roam reverently over her flushed skin, admiring every curve. She holds his gaze as if she wants to take his soul and his body into her own. It’s the same way she looks at me, and it makes my cock impossibly hard inside my shorts.

Despite being an outsider in this moment, it makes me happy to see the two of them so intimately. I’ve seen this before of course, and just like all the other times, their arousal makes me hard. Yet the way they move together, giving and taking in sync, gives me hope that she’s just as ready as we are for this to become something more, the same way we are.

That’s still hard for me to believe despite feeling in my gut it’s true. For years, I figured my tastes would make a relationship like this impossible. Yet, here I am, watching my boyfriend and lover of merely a few weeks, and knowing that they’ve already become part of me. An integral part.

The way they look at each other, the way they move together, it’s hot as fuck, yeah, but it’s not just my dick that reacts. It’s my soul. I know how cheesy that sounds, but that doesn’t make it any less true. My entire being is so full of gratitude and affection watching them together, my chest literally aches with the emotions inside it.I love them so much.

Becca snaps her eyes to mine when she feels my stare, a sultry little gasp frozen on her lips. Jace twists his head to follow her movement, his eyes flaring with heat when he sees me.
