Page 53 of Liberation

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“I know.” I rub a hand over my face. “I wasn’t sure how to slow things down without hurting her feelings. She hasn’t taken charge like that before, and I didn’t want her to think I didn’t like it.”

“Trust me, I get it.” The hint of a smile passes over his lips as his eyes slowly close. “She was incredible last night. So brave even though she was nervous. So beautiful. I didn’t think it was possible to love her any more—or you—but after last night… We need to talk to her. Today. Do you have anything going on?”

“I need to talk to Axel, but Becca’s more important.”

“What do you have to talk to Axel about? Is something going on with the business?” There’s a hint of panic in his voice, like he’s expecting the ground to crumble beneath him since the foundation is still so fragile. I get that.

“Yes and no.” I roll to face him. “I’m still going to work with him, but I don’t want that to be my full-time gig.”

“You’re going back on the road?” He holds his breath.

“I’m actually hoping to be the resident expert for other riders who pass through. I could show people the best spots to film or do the filming myself. Summer and winter. If you’d show me those spots.”

“No more traveling?”

I grab his hand and hold it against my chest. “Not unless you’re with me. Becca, too.”

His hazel eyes gleam from beneath his disheveled hair.God, he’s gorgeous when he’s happy.

“You’re right, you know.” A smile plays on his lips. “This is going to work out.”

“What makes you say that?” Since I’m usually the one trying to convince him of that, I’m curious where this optimism is coming from.

“She’s falling in love with us.” Blake’s fingers trace the outline of my pec from underneath my palm.

“How can you tell?”

“Her eyes. The way they focus on us when we’re together.”

As the guy who makes a living watching people through a lens, I’m used to spotting these things myself, and I hadn’t noticed.

“You mean while we’re having sex?”

He shakes his head slightly. “That’s not the only time, but that’s how I noticed it. She looks at you the same way you look at me. The same way I’m pretty sure I look at both of you…” he trails off.

“What are you saying?” I squeeze his hand.

“I’m in. I mean out. No more secrets or half-truths. I want a life with you. Both of you. I don’t want to just tell her we’re bi, I want to tell her I love you. And I love her.”

“You aren’t afraid she isn’t ready to hear that?”

“After last night…” He shakes his head firmly. “No.”

“You’re good with all of it, then? Not just admitting you like men and women but telling people you’redatinga man and a woman. Are you ready for that?”

“Are you?” he asks defensively.

“I didn’t grow up here. I don’t have roots here. You do.” I brush a wayward lock of hair away from his face. “You know I’m all in, but people here don’t know me from anyone. It won’t bother me if they don’t approve of my lifestyle.”

“Sorry.” He exhales heavily. “I didn’t mean to get defensive. It’s just that Iamready. And yeah, I know it’s possible that some people will take issue with it, and of course that’ll hurt. But not as much as missing out on a life with you and Becca. I love you.”

Up until the other day, no one—guy or girl—had said that to me before. Now that I’ve heard it, I'm not sure I’ll ever get tired of it.

“I love you, too.”

Leaning forward, I press my lips to Blake’s, a soft, gentle confirmation that my life is bound to his from here forward. It’s not enough.

We’ve barely touched since Becca came into the picture, and while I wouldn’t trade our time with her for anything, I can’t deny that I’ve missed being able to taste him freely. Tilting my head to the side I coax his lips apart, straining to get our mouths as close as possible.
