Page 63 of Liberation

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I press my lips in a straight line to hold in my grin.

Becca leans forward to see Jace. “Did you know he was that easy?”

Jace looks me up and down slyly. “Manwhore. Are we sure we want to claim this guy as ours, Becca?”

She taps a finger on the corner of her lip as she pretends to mull that over. “I’m sure.” She leans in to give me a shy kiss on the lips.

“Okay, fine. Me, too.” Jace tugs my head towards his and presses his lips to mine, soft and reassuring. Before we break away a hand slams down on the table, shaking the glasses and causing us to jump apart.

“So, it’s true?” Ryder half-shouts, half-slurs. “What other secrets are you keeping from me, Blake? You’re the one who broke Chase’s heart and forced him to move away, aren’t you?”

My jaw hangs open as I blink my eyes, trying like hell to make sense of what he’s saying. “What?”

“Admit it. You preyed on him then screwed him over. He moved away so he wouldn’t have to see you everywhere.”

Holding my hands up in surrender, I hold Ryder’s cloudy gaze. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Ryder. I’ve never been with Chase. He was like a brother…”

“Don’t you say that,” he sneers. “He wasmybrother, not yours. And you drove him away. It took years, Blake. Years for him to get over you. But he did. He found someone and he was finally happy. I backed out of that trip so he could take his new boyfriend. Now he’s dead. He never would have moved from Katah Vista ifyouhadn’t screwed him over.” He thrusts a shaky finger in my face.

I know how messed up Ryder’s been since his brother died in that plane crash, so part of me just wants to ignore this rant and chalk it up to his drunken grief. The other part of me wants to defend myself against his totally insane accusations.

“I didn’t hook up with Chase, man. I wouldn’t. It sucks he got his heart broken, but don’t put that on me because I like dudes as much as I like women.”

“Then why didn’t you help him? You’re just like him and you didn’t help him. He felt so alone. You should’ve been there.” His voice loses some of its heat as he starts to ramble.

“I would’ve if I’d known, Ryder.”

“How could you not know?”

My hand cramps from how tight I’m fisting it. “Just because I like guys doesn’t mean I have some special skill at picking out other guys who feel the same way, especially if they want to keep that private.”

“What’s up, bro?” Deacon slings an arm around Ryder’s shoulder, eyes searching the stunned faces around the table for a clue about what’s going on.

“If it wasn’t you then who was it? Who broke him and drove him away from his home? You’re the only dude in town into other dudes—it had to be you.”

Deacon’s playful expression turns somber, telling me he must’ve already known about Chase’s boyfriend. He leans his head toward Ryder and talks to him in a level tone. “Ryder, think about this man. Blake wasn’t with your brother. He isn’t who you’re mad at.”

“He has to be,” Ryder slurs. “He has to be.” He points a finger at me before spinning from Deacon’s hold and bolting for the door.

Once Ryder’s gone, all eyes turn to me. “I had no idea Chase was gay, and I have no idea who he might’ve dated. If I’d known, I would’ve tried to help him.”

Lennon reaches across the table and takes my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “You don’t have to explain anything Blake. We all know Ryder’s in a weird place right now. He’s angry at everyone, mostly himself, and is lashing out.”

“I knew he was struggling.” I drop my head in shame. “I should’ve been there for him, but I was too wrapped up in my own stuff.”

Regardless of the things happening in my life, I should’ve been more aware of this. His brother is dead, for God’s sake, and instead of helping him through that I’ve been living my life to the fullest, working my dream job and falling in love twice over. I may not have been the one to drive Chase away, but I can’t blame Ryder for being pissed at me now.

“We all knew he was struggling, I just don’t think any of us realized how bad.” Deacon glances toward the door Ryder disappeared out of. “Drowning his feelings seemed natural given the circumstances, but maybe…” He ducks his head and rubs it awkwardly.

“Should I go after him?” I look around the table for input.

“It’s probably best if I do that. No offense.” He offers me a weak smile.

“None taken.” I exhale heavily. “Go.”

No one’s in the mood to hang out after Ryder’s outburst, so we thank Axel and Lennon for the night and make our way back to my place.Ourplace. Climbing into bed with Becca sandwiched between me and Jace.

“So,” she drawls as we get comfortable. “Dothey make beds for three?”
