Page 65 of Liberation

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“Stay out of trouble.” My attorney pats me on the back and stuffs a bunch of papers in his briefcase before heading out the door, leaving me alone in the room with Carter.Great.

“You didn’t have to do that.” I ask him what his deal is without asking outright.

“No, I didn’t.” The asshole doesn’t elaborate.

“Is this how you want me to pay you back for the bail money? Indentured servitude?”

“You don’t owe me bail money.”

I ball my fists at my sides, seething. “Then why the hell put me on the mountain with a bunch of people I have no business working with?”

“Because you have more business on the mountain than anyone I know.” He casually picks his jacket up off the bench, his voice way too calm for my liking.

“I doubt that considering I need special training for whatever you have in mind,” I snort.

“The training isn’t for what to do on the mountain, it’s for what to do with your mouth. Ideally, it will prevent you from saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, like you did with the judge earlier.” His brows disappear underneath his hair, daring me to object.

“I know what you’re doing. And it won’t work.” Court order or no, I’m not getting back on that mountain. He should know by now I’m a bad investment.

Carter’s eyes roam over me, calculating. “We’ll see.” He spins toward the door, pausing before he pushes it open. “Be at my office by nine a.m. tomorrow for training. You have two days to complete it before you report to Hailey on Thursday, and trust me when I say you don’t want to piss her off.”

“Who the fuck is Hailey?”

“Your new manager.”

If I wasn’t shooting daggers at him I might've missed the wicked gleam in his eye as he saunters out the door. He thinks he’s won? That a ballsy chick will make a difference?Bring it on, boss.

