Page 9 of Liberation

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Strong jaw with just a hint of stubble. Eyes that studied the trail with a mix of determination and wonder. The hint of a smile when he got to the bottom of the mountain, almost like he was at peace and trying to stay in the moment. I know because that’s exactly how I feel on my bike.

His effortless skill mesmerized me, to the point that I almost,almost, built up the courage to approach him. But I lost my nerve when Brian’s current girlfriend sashayed past on her way to her shift at the bar. One look at the slender thighs poking out from her short skirt and my stomach sank, knowing the calves beneath my knee-length shorts were no comparison. So, I watched him ride off, a strange pang of regret rippling through my chest over the loss of something I’d never have.

And now he’s here, right across the bar and…Shit. He caught me staring.

I lift my glass, an awkward little “cheers”, as if that will somehow make it any less embarrassing to get caught mid-ogle. Instead of lifting his glass in return he spins to his right, then his left, looking behind him.

Oh. My. God. Gorgeousandmodest? That’s unexpected. And sort of awesome. I stifle a giggle when he realizes there’s no one around him and gives me an almost bashful smile. My chest constricts with that strange little yearning thing again. Although now, instead of a dull ache it’s an acute pain, like someone pricked me with a fucking needle. Suddenly the idea of watching him walk away is more painful than the idea of talking to him.Man up, Becca.

Tossing back the last of my liquid courage, I make my way around to his side of the bar, grateful that he’s focused on something in his hand rather than me as I approach.

“Hi. Um, can I sit?” I point to the empty stool next to him.

His brows disappear beneath his hair before he moves to pull out the stool. “Yeah. Please.”

“Becca.” I give him my hand.

“Blake.” Sparks travel up my arm the second his warm fingers wrap around mine.I haven’t felt electricity like that since… Stop it. Now is not the time to think of the rebound guy.

We linger there a second, staring at each other with our hands clasped, until he clears his throat and darts his gaze to the barstool. I let my hand slip away from his and take a seat.

“Enjoying your visit?” I press my lips between my teeth as soon as the words are out.That’s the best you can do?

“What makes you think I’m just visiting?” He cocks his head to the side.

“The hotel key card you’re spinning on the bar.” I nod toward the hand resting on the counter, and he visibly starts. It’s cute. “Doing some heavy thinking?”

“Um, just the usual for a guy sitting alone at a bar.” He casts me a sideways glance as he sips his beer.

“And that is?”

“What the fuck am I doing alone at a bar?” His shoulders seem to slump a bit as he gives me a guilty smile.

I bite my lip to stop the grin tugging at it. “At least you have the excuse of visiting. I, on the other hand, sit at this bar alone quite frequently.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“It’s true. I think I might put off a‘stay back’vibe.”

“Why’s that?” His tone is purely curious. I like that.

“I’m not very good at small talk.”

“You’re doing fine so far. Although, now I’m wondering why you came over, if you don’t like talking.”

“I’m not sure I would've if you didn’t catch me staring. But I figured since I missed you on the mountain, I should at least talk to you now.”

“You saw me on the mountain?” Those brows lift into his hair again.

Swallowing my nerves, I nod. “I like the way you ride.”

“You bike?” His eyes seem to light up.

“A little.” I lift my shoulder just a fraction, hoping he won’t push for details. Thanks to Brian, I tend to believe guys only pretend to approve of a woman working in the industry, and I’d rather not ruin what could be a fun night by learning whether Blake fits that pattern. Fortunately, Jason heads that off by setting food in front of us.

“Two Reubens, and a side of Ranch for your fries.” He winks at me. “Get you another round?”

Blake and I both nod and Jason goes to refill the drinks.
