Page 73 of Just Add Friendship

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But it was the friend group chat, with Julie saying she was on her way. Dave would bring the kids over later.

Steph climbed out of the car so that when Julie arrived, she wouldn’t question why Steph was hiding out there. Once inside the house, it wasn’t hard to find the women gathered in the master bedroom, getting ready for the big event.

No one seemed to realize that Steph had arrived earlier, dropped Pops off in the living room, then gone back to her car. But she did feel Brandy’s eyes on her more than once. Steph had told her that if Cal came tonight, she was going to talk to him. The phone call was to get it mostly out of the way—they’d still need to talk, but at least Steph had broken the ice with saying some of her piece.

“Sorry I’m late, everyone,” Julie said, bursting into the room. “I had a little trouble with my girdle.”

“We could have helped you,” Brandy said, and everyone laughed.

They were all wearing the same deep blue color, but in different dress styles. At least the bridesmaid dresses hadn’t been messed up because everyone bought their own. Steph’s dress was form-fitting satin, with a V-neck and three-quarter-length sleeves. She’d pinned up her hair, and wore silver jewelry.

“Let’s get you in the wedding dress, then do the hair and makeup.” Brandy moved to the closet and drew out the gown. The white silk glimmered in the afternoon light coming through the windows.

“You’re going to look amazing,” Lori gushed.

“Truly,” Steph added, trying to focus on the event at hand and not wanting to check her phone. It was in her purse on the other side of the room. Would she hear an incoming text? She’d turned up the volume on high.

As they readied Everly, Steph discreetly checked it a couple of times, but no reply arrived from Cal.

It was fine, she told herself. He was probably driving.

Or hadn’t listened to her message yet.

Or was coming up with a plan to turn her down gently.

Another hour passed, and Everly was ready—primped and preened and sculpted and painted—glowing like she deserved.

“Can I see her?” a young voice asked from the hallway. It must be Austin’s daughter, Jessica.

“I’ll ask,” Lydia said from outside. She tapped on the door and opened it. “Oh wow, you’re gorgeous, darling.” She stepped into the room with Jessica trailing behind, wide-eyed. “Jessica wants to see the dress.”

“Of course.” Everly turned from the full-length mirror with a smile. “Come here, I’ll show you the bouquet, too.”

Jessica beamed and moved toward her soon-to-be stepmother.

As Jessica asked questions in excited tones, Steph moved to her purse again and took out her phone. Nothing. She exhaled slowly. She needed to focus on Everly and the important day. Not on Cal’s reaction to her voice mail.

She put the phone on silent, then put it back into her purse. Next she slipped out of the room to check on Pops. He wasn’t in the living room, it turned out, but in the backyard, seated in one of the rows. Several wedding guests had already arrived, and it looked like Austin’s dad was chatting with Pops.

He seemed to be in good hands.

When Steph returned to the master bedroom. Everly stood with her bouquet, ready. Lori was snapping some selfies, so Steph joined in, putting on a bright smile.

Time zoomed by after that, and when Austin’s father, Mr. Hayes, came to fetch Everly, everything suddenly became real. Brandy ushered Jessica to the backyard, where she would walk down the aisle as the flower girl. The music started up, soaring through the yard, and Steph’s heart soared right along with it.

Whatever happened tonight, whatever took place between her and Cal, right now, she was happy for Everly and Austin.

After Jessica, Brandy walked down the aisle, arm in arm with Ian.

Steph was paired up with one of Austin’s friends from out of town. The blond man, Brad, gave her a cheesy grin, and she smiled back, but only briefly. She wasn’t here to make new friends.

As she began to walk, she glanced over at Pops, half hoping that Cal had slipped in without her seeing him. But someone else was sitting by Pops, who nodded and winked at her. She winked back, not sure what the winking was all about, but she’d play along.

Once all the bridesmaids and groomsmen were in place, Everly came down the aisle on the arm of her soon-to-be father-in-law. She looked radiant in her off-the-shoulder dress, which fanned into a beautiful train.

Steph blinked at the stinging in her eyes, witnessing Austin’s first look at Everly in her wedding dress. As a couple, they’d been through plenty of ups and downs, but their good hearts had won out.

Steph wiped at a tear before the vows started, and she couldn’t look at the couple’s faces, or else the tears would continue. Instead, she focused on sweet Jessica.
