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But what could a Fae want with a human?

Perhaps she’d just caught his eye from a cock-stiffening perspective. Either way, he was a presence I didn’t appreciate.

Anyway, fuck him. I put the silver-spoon fairy out of my mind and refocused on my fascinating new obsession.

I wasn’t going to kill her.

I merely wanted to satisfy my curiosity about her taste, and why I couldn’t put her out of my mind. I’d satisfy my thirst in the process.

She’d be safe. More than safe, with how every girl reacted to the very potent sexual pleasure my bite provided, when I wanted it to. Just being close to me seemed to trigger all sorts of urges in both sexes, if I wasn’t careful to suppress it. It disgusted me how my supernatural abilities seemed to call to them, especially women, making them beg, but it was useful. And I didn’t abuse my powers, unlike some.

I always kept the girls safe. Whether they were paranormal or human.

Though mistakes with prey did happen… Thankfully, the last one to die by accident had been a felon. A convicted rapist, no less. Not the sort of scum to be noticed missing by the authorities, or anyone, in fact. I always drained to the brink of death with food like that, leaving them only enough to scrape through. Served them right.

This girl though. I’d just get a decent taste. Then maybe I could get her out of my mind. Or maybe she’d want to continue in some sort of arrangement? I’d never thought long-term before.

Hmm… I had the frightening realization I might be as starved for her as the Fae was. My fangs were dying to get in there, into the soft, ripe flesh of her neck. I was salivating at the thought.

Ever since I’d noticed that fucking fur baby, Jaxon, looking her way, then sniffing her scent out, in the park’s square the day before, a taste of her had lingered on my tongue. I had caught her scent in the air too, drawing it in and holding her essence in my mouth. Innocence, flowers, and sweet blood. They blended into a bouquet I’d never tasted the comparison to.

Such innocence, it almost overwhelmed the palate.

The two girls rose and walked into the main building. The Fae disappeared from the window almost immediately after.

Leaving the library roof, I climbed down the same drainpipe I’d scaled earlier, finishing with a purposeful leap into a puddle of muddy water.

The grimy liquid spattered across my boots and I smiled.

I wasn’t afraid of getting my feet dirty. Nor my hands.

And when it came to this girl, I was quickly learning I’d do almost anything to get what I wanted.


Iwas in the library, doing a bit of self-study, towards the end of my third day of work and classes. It was so peaceful in here and I was alone in this corner. Not another student in sight. Just a bespectacled, Fae librarian—one of the few Fae I’d seen on campus besides Mr. Scowly—using her magic to float discarded books onto a cart before trundling her overloaded trolley between the countless shelves that towered so tall and swollen with knowledge.

All that paper bunched in one place, all that ink and binding, it gave off a subtle but placid odor and feel. As if the books were ramparts, shielding me from any idiotic or violent onslaughts that might be encountered outside.

Yesterday, when I’d met Vesta, she’d recommended the library as a refuge, a place where the university management rigorously enforced best behavior and standards of respectful silence.

The librarian pushed the trolley past me again, its wheels needing a dab of oil. But apart from those steely squeaks, and the low hum of neon lighting above, there was enchanting silence. No phone bleeps and rings either. What bliss.

As I turned another page, my phone vibrated. I turned it over, in case it was Mom, and found a message, but not from her.

It was Jax.

Still okay? I really hope so. Can’t believe you got injured on my watch.

My heart picked up and I typed out a quick reply.

Yes! Nothing hurts now. All better. Thanks.

He responded immediately, just as he had yesterday.

I’m so glad you’re not hurting anymore.

Another message pinged, right after.

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