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After Aaron gave one more glance in her direction—I swear it was filled with longing—he hurried out again, no doubt off to one of his countless meetings. I rose from my chair, its feet scraping the wooden floor as I started to move towards her. My phone’s vibration against my thigh caused me to pause. Oh, bloody hell. Again!?

I fished my phone from my pocket, swiping and tapping the screen to find I’d, unfortunately, guessed correctly. The message was short and sharp, as was often my mother’s style.

This is becoming tiresome, Osric.

Sighing, I sat back down, mulling how best to respond. Then I reminded myself she’d not listen anyway, so what the hell.

Is it? I feel full of beans.At least with her, I could speak as a proper Brit.

The answer came back within seconds.

You WILL marry her. It is your duty. Or did you think being a prince was all larking around and never having to grow up?

I exhaled hard. Duty, duty, duty. Like a broken record.

I’m getting an education, Mother. Thanks to your friends’ shoddy deal, one that is a damn sight easier to get here than back over there. Now, I’m sorry but I have to get to class. I’ll message you later.

Slipping the phone back into my pocket, feeling it vibrate yet again, I sighed. More messaging wasn’t going to resolve what she wanted from me. My very soul. Or at least, my future tied to a vapid socialite.

The human girl was up from her chair and moving towards the door. I decided I’d distract myself from one issue by figuring out another. I strode quickly, weaving between rows of chairs, cutting sharply in front of her, blocking the exit.

Her eyes, a pleasing shade of hazel rarely seen in Fae, flared wide and she took a step backwards, looking like a turkey that had been invited to Thanksgiving.

Her eyes focused on my face, lingering on the points of my ears, and they widened further still.

Yes, I was Fae. Have you never seen one before, human?

Her words were shaky, spoken in stutters, as she nodded towards the exit. “I’m sorry. Excuse me, I—I have to get going to my next class.”

“Who are you?” I wasn’t going to mince words.

She stared at me blankly, biting her lower lip. Was she one of these humans who struggled to form proper sentences? But then she wouldn’t have been in this class. It was just a lack of manners.

“I asked who you are. Start with a name.”


I smirked. Actually, quite a pretty name. “But of course, you are. Cecilia.”

I moved aside momentarily to allow a bunch of blockheaded shifters past. Then, stepping forward, close enough to smell the coconut scent wafting from her hair, I continued my interrogation. Begrudgingly, I noted the pleasant slenderness of her neck and collarbone, the soft-looking, pale skin, which darkened a tad into a blush around her cheeks. She wasn’t unbearable to look at.

“What’s a human doing in this place? Little out of your comfort zone, isn’t it?”

“I, erm, I’m working here. Janitorial staff. The classes are free,” she replied, her voice still breathy. Then it took on a different tone. “Are you okay? I mean, is everything okay?”

“How so?”

“Just, it looked like you may have got some bad news earlier?” Her expression held genuine concern.

Interesting… “I’m fine.” My voice was cold.

“Good. Well, if you don’t mind, I really must get going.”

Snorting at her delicious audacity—she clearly had no idea who I was—I figured I’d learn more in other ways. I stepped aside. “Well, off you go then…Cecilia.”

She sidled past sheepishly and out the door.

Curious little human. Nervous, but kind. Soft, yet assertive. Unreadable, and capturing Aaron’s interest. I wasn’t done with her yet.
