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That’s right, I had to sleep alone in my apartment tonight, with a killer running around. “Oh, I—”

“Perhaps I should stay?” His confident manner stumbled somewhat as he tapped the couch arm with an awkward smile. “Uh, I’ll sleep here, of course.”

The couch barely held my small frame. Embarrassed, I said, “You might be sleeping sitting up. I’m sorry. I don’t have a bigger space to offer.”

“Don’t be silly.” He nodded at my mom’s bedroom door. “Why don’t you go to bed, and I’ll make do just fine here, I promise.”

I didn’t want to be separated from the feeling of safety he gave me, even by thin walls and a flimsy door. And it felt weird sleeping in my mom’s bed, when she could have been back any minute. “I should stay in here, and sit up, for when my mom comes back.”

“Sure, of course. How about a distraction while we wait? TV?”

“Good idea.” I switched it on and found a rom com on a movie channel. Jax watched it just as intently as I did, though he glanced over at me a lot and his eyes held that yellow glow I was beginning to think was his wolf. And as the movie changed to a drama and the hours went by, I found myself yawning then having to sleep.

Jax put a pillow across his lap, and I laid my head on it. Wrapping me in my blanket, checking I was warm enough, he lowered the TV’s volume. “Sweet dreams,” he whispered.

I soon drifted off, exhausted from the day’s strain.

Protected by the wolf.


Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?

A fair number of people, was the answer. Me, not so much. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here now, without my coven, standing outside this particular apartment.

Where the scent of a sexually aroused wolf shifter blasted from around the door.

And not just any wolf, either. No, Jaxon Hemming, heir to a furry throne, was drenching half the building with his horndog pheromones.

I hadn’t known he was involved with the girl, not until now—she’d called them friends, not lovers—and I could have retreated and approached her later, when she was alone.

But there was no thrill in that.

Clenching my jaw, bracing in preparation for the inevitable, I rapped a rhythmic knock on the scratched wood and stood back. The look on his face was going to be priceless.

The door swung open to reveal the precious little human, her tempting features drenched in stress, as she blurted, “Mom?”

I looked myself up and down, feigning confusion. “I’m afraid not. Not unless you know something I don’t?”

Her eyes flared wide, terrified. “You…”

I pressed both palms downwards, as if calming an invisible, riled up terrier. “I come in peace, my exquisite little orchid. I—”

Her voice rocketed. “Jax! Jaaaax!”

Keeping my own volume low, I said, “There’s really no need for that. I’m only here—”

He appeared at the door. His scowl fueled my smirk. His face wassoserious, I couldn’t help laughing. “Jaxon, good to see you. This isn’t what it looks—”

Wham! He knocked me onto my ass with a vicious right hook. My facial muscles had been tensing, expecting it, but no amount of preparation could have removed the shock entirely. I shook my head, groaning, clasping my aching jaw to check nothing was fractured. My vamp bones had an extremely high pain threshold, but the fur baby had broken through it.

Moving into the hallway, he stood over me with his fists clenched. “Get up, you sack of shit. I’m gonna kick your ass all the way back to your coven.”

Still sitting, I leaned against the wall, raising my hands in surrender. The hallway carpet was giving off a distinct whiff. Piss with traces of white rum. Human, it seemed. There were public toilets all over New Lincoln, and yet some foul man had insisted on using this hallway instead. And they called us vampires gross. “I’m not here to do any harm. Just to talk. Sincerely.”

He scoffed, his scowl not easing one bit. “Sincerely? When have you ever been sincere, you walking hard on?!”

Rubbing my jaw, trying to massage out the ache, I laughed. “I plead guilty to the walking hard on charge. Really, it can’t be helped. I’m a vampire.” I shrugged. “But in this case, perhaps for the first time in my existence,”—my eyes met the girl’s— “I am sincere in my feelings, for the human.”
