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“That night when I came here to scout around the area.” He looked over at Xander, clearing his throat, his face showing disdain. “That was the same night your mother disappeared. I can’t help feeling that, if I’d only been more vigilant, it wouldn’t have happened.”

I reached out for his hand. “Is this okay?” I asked as I clasped his cool hand in mine.

“Yes.” His arrogant scowl had been replaced with sincerity since the moment he’d walked in the door, and now he looked even more serious as I touched him. His face wiped clean of his usual indifference, and replaced with something akin to humbleness, he looked ten times more handsome than he already was.

“You’ve got nothing to feel sorry for.” I squeezed his hand. “We don’t know what happened. If my mom left of her own free will, which I really hope she did, then you couldn’t have done anything anyway, okay?”

His hand shifted in mine. The skin was so smooth.

“Don’t feel bad.”

He turned his palm and gripped my hand, then graced me with a smile for the first time ever.

“You know, smiling suits you,” I said, trying not to blush. “Makes you look approachable, like someone who’d be nice to speak to.”

He chuckled. “Perhaps that’s why I don’t smile very often. It’s often easier to have people keep their distance.”

“Well, I hope you won’t want me to keep my distance? I hope we can be friends.”

He brushed my cheek with his free hand, the other still gripped around mine. “I’ve never been a great fan of humans, but perhaps in your case, an exception can be made. I might even find another smile.”

“I’d like that. And erm, you’re a prince?”

He cleared his throat. “I am.”

“Should I call you, Your Highness?”

That broke out an even bigger smile. He shook his head. “Osric, please. I came to New Nebraska to forget all that.”

“Osric it is then.” I nodded at the guys, all standing with hands on hips or flailing them up in frustration, arguing over where I would be safest. “What’s your opinion on all that?”

“I think if you stayed at our penthouse, Aaron and I would give you plenty of protection, and you’d have a king-sized bed to sleep in. I know Aaron would love to have you stay.”

“You’d be okay with that too? Me staying at your place?”

“You need to be safe.” He sounded sincere, but let go of my hand and I couldn’t read his emotions. Was Osric truly okay with me potentially staying in his home? His behavior toward me was night and day from class. But was he only tolerating me or helping me because Aaron wanted him to?

I didn’t want to be a burden. And my mom might need me here.

I’d made up my mind. “Um, guys?” I spoke up, causing the bickering to die down.

“It’s very sweet of you all, wanting to keep me safe in your homes, but I’m going to stay here, in case my mom comes back. I’d never forgive myself if she got back here only to find an empty place.”

Aaron shrugged. “Okay, then I’m staying too. I’ll sleep on the floor, I don’t care. I don’t want you staying by yourself.”

Jax and Xander nodded, looking in agreement for once. “Us too,” Xander spoke for them both.

“I don’t think there’s enough room. It’ll be a bit cramped. If more than one of you insist on staying.” I yawned. “Why don’t I stay in my mom’s bed. Aaron, or Jax, since I know you well enough, you could take turns sleeping in there beside me, for a few hours, and you could swap over. I’m sorry it’s far from ideal.”

Xander’s chuckle was light, smug. “I think sharing is a great idea, my little orchid. And not just for this night, but every night, and day, to come.”

I was too tired to think over exactly what he meant. “Okay then. I’m off to bed.”

I shuffled over to Aaron and he seemed to sense my intentions since he bent down so I could place a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for everything.”

“You’re welcome, sweet girl. I wish I could do more.” A soft growl rumbled under his words.

I left a hand on his arm, but stepped back so I could address the others. “Thank you, all. So much. I don’t know what I would do without you guys.” I blinked hard as tears filled my eyes.
