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I should have been jealous, but I wasn’t. I enjoyed watching. I clearly enjoyed it a lot, if my cock had anything to say about it.

And that wouldn’t have been the case if I didn’t respect Jax. Not only was he the finest college quarterback in all of New Nebraska, and only a sophomore at that. But he also had a reputation for being fair and reasonable to everyone—not a pushover—and being extremely protective of his pack and vulnerable people in general. On top of dealing with what was widely known to be an overbearing and difficult Alpha. His own father. I couldn’t help but admire him managing everything so well.

My bear sensed a mellowness to his wolf, a calmness that was unusual for a Beta and future pack leader. It made me far more comfortable about his intimacy with Cecilia. I’d be happy to share a friendship with someone like Jax, and if it was the only way for us all to be with Cecilia and make her happy, perhaps I could learn to share her too. And enjoy it, like I was now.

Sharing wasn’t so uncommon amongst paranormals. Especially amongst vamps and shifters. I already knew I wanted something long term, who was I kidding, something forever, with Cecilia. And as long as Jax felt the same way, I think I’d come to accept a sharing agreement between us. Strong shifters shared strong females. Sometimes a Luna had multiple mates. Of course, it was a bit odd for two shifters of different breeds to share. But that was fine with me. I’d been odd my whole life.

And maybe having a strong wolf around would go some way to making sure my unruly bear never got out of control again. And hopefully ensure that my bear never harmed Cecilia—I struggled to see that happening anyway—or harmed any other innocent again.

That day I’d maimed a poor girl during one of my first shifts, would haunt me for the rest of my life. Since that day, I’d made every effort to keep him under my skin, so he couldn’t hurt anyone else. I didn’t always succeed of course. Something Osric owed his life to, that night we’d met.

Anyway, Jax and I sharing, I could come to terms with. And if that vamp was right, and Osric was interested in my girl too—and she returned his feelings—I’d welcome Osric into our little family as well. My best friend had a lot to offer all of us.

I still wasn’t sold on the vamp though. That would take more time. Unlike Jax and Osric, his sense of honor was quest—

“What the fuck!?” Jax jumped out of bed, shaking his arms, which were shifting back and forth between fur and skin. “Ahh! Shit. Stop it!” He seemed to be talking to his wolf. He finally settled down and mastered his animal, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he brought his breathing under control.

I raised an eyebrow. “Good morning. Everything okay over there?” And here I’d thought he’d help me protect our girl, but he was struggling to sort his own shit out. Maybe I’d been wrong.

“No. Yes. I don’t know.” He threw up his hands in frustration. “I haven’t had a problem controlling my shifts since I was running around chasing my first rabbit. I just feel really strong all of a sudden. My wolf really close to the surface.”

“Um, everything okay, Jax, really?” Cecilia leaned across and ran a soothing hand down his chest.

“Yes.” He pulled her into a tight hug, a little whine escaping that I was sure was his wolf, followed by a grumbled sigh. I was relieved by his response, but he still looked a bit unsettled to me.

“Sorry, I’m sweating all over you.” He pressed a kiss to her hair.

“I don’t mind.” She squeezed him tighter.

“I just got really hot all of a sudden.”

Hot? Excessive sweating? Hmm. That had happened to me too, after getting closer to her, emotionally and intimately. And we all seemed to sense there was something unique about Cecilia…

“Do you feel unnaturally hot?” I asked. “And strong, more than usual?”

“Yeah. Yes. To both, I guess,” he answered, giving me a curious look.

I climbed up off the floor. Being in just T-shirt and boxer shorts, I could see the carpet’s rough fibers had tattooed pink patterns on the backs of my legs. I was going to ask for longer in the bed next time. Jax had kicked me out after checking in with his pack late last night and coming to bed after me. I knew he’d been out late with Cecilia the night before, so I’d let him.

“I had a similar experience, the other night, after Xander left and we kissed goodnight.”

“You did?” Cecilia asked.

“Yes, that’s why Osric went to check up on you. My bear was going wild, I was burning up with heat. I barely kept him from bursting out. I couldn’t guarantee his behavior, so Osric kindly volunteered.”

“I can confirm that.” Osric strolled up to the open door with a glass of water. He raised it, looking at Cecilia and saying, “I had an awfully dry throat, I hope you don’t mind?”

She gave him a soft smile and shook her head.

Osric’s eyes traced over every bit of delicious skin she had on display and lingered where her bare thigh rested against Jax’s. His gaze turned hot.

I guess I no longer had to doubt whether my good friend was interested in my sweet girl. And it seemed he might have a thing for watching her with another guy too?

“Thanks again for coming over that night.” Cecilia looked down shyly and peeked up at Osric through her lashes.

He inclined his head.

“You went to all that trouble, just to hunt for little old me? I’m flattered, gents.” Xander stuck his head around the door with a cheeky, fanged grin.
