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“We know you’re not. That’s all that matters. But I understand what you mean. Let’s dance now, just the two of us.”

“No music?”

“We don’t need music, just each other. But I’ll hum. Let’s just do a slow one.” I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck again.

This time, he surprised me by scooping me up under my butt and lifting me into the air and forward, against his chest.

I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist and held on. I rested my head on his shoulder and he held me so effortlessly, I loosened my grip and melted into him.

I sighed. “This is perfect. You’ll have to do all the work though.”

“I’ll do the dancing, sweet girl. Just relax and let me hold you.”

“Mmhmm,” I mumbled into his shirt and breathed in his woody scent.

I started to hum a slow melody and he swayed us gently. As we continued, and the rest of the party truly faded away, I realized this was exactly what I’d needed. A moment to rest and reflect on what was becoming one of the best nights of my life. I felt bad for thinking it, with that psycho killer still on the loose, and my mom off doing mysterious things, but things in my life were coming together. I could see a relationship with my guys now. It was so wonderful to see Jax’s Central NN Lupines not just at peace—or having a truce, at least—with Xander’s coven, but partying together, getting on so well.

I truly believed that anyone could get along in this world, if there was mutual understanding, tolerance and trust. It just took a bit of effort.

Xander had even introduced me to his aunt, Persephone, before she’d headed home when the DJ started, claiming she was too old to be cutting loose with the young vamps. We’d had a long chat before she left though. She was humorous and super friendly. She’d welcomed me with open arms, like I was already a member of the family. She did the same for Jax and Aaron too.

There’d been only one low point to the night, besides not seeing Osric here. And that was when near the start of the gathering, I’d wandered over to the lake by myself for a few minutes and been met by Mandy. She’d sneered at my outfit and brushed past my shoulder, knocking me slightly to the side, commenting on how I’d never fit in with the pack, that they’d never accept me as Luna.

It bothered me so much because I wanted to be Jax’s Luna, if that’s what he needed me to be, in order to stay with me. I didn’t even know what being a Luna would entail, but I cared for Jax just as much as Aaron and Xander, and somehow, we really seemed to be making this work. And all of us were happier for it.

I burrowed further into Aaron’s strong embrace, trying to push away any doubts or worries Mandy had caused.

I kept humming and Aaron’s massive size, combined with my weight, was causing the floorboards to throw out sporadic, woody croaks as he moved. It had a sort of squeaky melody to it, like the varnished oak wanted to join with my humming.

On a particularly loud creak, I stopped my music and we both burst out laughing. He loosened his hold on my backside, letting me slide down his body and my laughter turned into a moan. My breasts brushing against his hard muscles until my feet landed.

Towering over me, his shoulders so broad, a heated look flaring in his eyes, a flash of heat filled me too, reigniting all the sparks Xander and Jax had brought to life when we danced.

He bent his knees, stooping a bit again, and our bodies began moving in a slow, silent rhythm. No humming, no floorboards creaking this time, but our hearts supplied the beat. Eyes locked, we enjoyed each other’s touch and warmth, as well as the unspoken emotions that rang so deliciously between us. No words were needed when we were so connected. Like our very souls were in tune.

He gripped me by the hips and drew me closer, pulling me firmly but gently into one of his thighs with his immense strength. Our scents mixed, making my heart beat faster. My breasts were pressed tight against his abdomen, as I looked up into his soft, sweet eyes. The firm press of my lower body against his leg felt heavenly.

Resting my head on his lower chest, I moaned, rubbing my whole body against his, feeling him hold me even tighter. “Is this okay?” I asked.

“You have no idea how okay.” Aaron’s shirt was damp with sweat, his bulging muscles giving off strong heat. “So very okay.”

I was worried about his grizzly losing control. “Are you sure all this close contact is okay for…him?”

Aaron cupped my cheek. “I can’t guarantee anything. But I wear the bear, he doesn’t wear me. And either way, I can sense he wants me close to you. Nothing’s going to stop me from being near you, ever, okay?”

“Yes, that’svery okay.” I repeated his earlier assurance back to him.

“Good.” He looked relieved.

I didn’t answer. Instead, like magnets pulled them together, our mouths met, his bristly jaw lightly tickling my cheek and chin. The kiss wasn’t rushed. He teased my lips and our tongues finally collided. The rub of skin, the sucking, our tongues writhing, it was so overwhelming. In the best way.

And since he’d said it was okay, I started rubbing the top of my thighs against Aaron again. Hard. Especially the apex. Pleasure burst through me with every delicious bit of friction. He was gasping, breathing heavily. I felt myself swallowing hard, stuttering in my words as I asked, “Wou—would you want to…” I wasn’t even sure what I was asking.

He replied equally shyly, saying, “I do. Let me do something for you. Just let me know if it’s too much.”

Whatever he was thinking. I trusted him to take care of me. In all ways, even though we were each other’s firsts for everything. “Yes,” I whispered.

He gripped me by the waist and half spun and carried me to the couch where he sat and stood me up right in front of him, between his spread legs. His eyes met mine as he slowly inched up my skirt, brushing the fronts of my bare thighs with his palms until one of them gripped my hip and the other rested near my center, his large thumb meeting the edge of my panties.

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