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It was all I cared about. She’d never smelled this way, even when in distress over her mother.

Someone must’ve caused this fear.

Rage. Violence.

I salivated over what was to come.

Aaron thought he had me leashed.


There was just never anything to excite my instincts.

There was now.

There!Our mate’s scent was strongest there, by the woods. I bounded off in that direction, enjoying the feel of my claws racking through the grass, of my fangs filling out my jowls. It had been a long time since I’d been in this form.

The last time I’d fought a lion pride.Thatwas worth coming to the surface for. To silence their ignorant ramblings. To leave their bodies bloody and fleeing like prey, as fast as their shredded limbs could carry them.

I’d attacked them as any predator should, with no fear.No mercy.

And the Fae prince that night, drunk and self-pitying, his mouth running faster than any gazelle. I’d saved him then. I’m not sure why. Such a weakling, thanking Aaron for it again and again. Though I’d learned the Fae had an impressive claw of his own. Maybe he was not so weak? And his loyalty had grown on me. Especially now he was looking after our mate—mine and Aaron’s.

Her scent grew stronger. The sweet musk of her desire there with it, still lingering after she’d come so beautifully for us, letting us watch her shudder and moan. Aaron may have been at the surface to satisfy her, but I would be the one to save her.

I was heading in the right direction, racing around trees and barreling through bushes and plants, with such force, more than any other being could muster. Aaron and the wolf pup had been right, our mate was strengthening me, my power and control. And my limbs, my bulk, so much larger since I’d last shifted too, all thanks to our little human.

I burst out of thick undergrowth onto a dirt path. Scenting it, smelling our mate’s essence stronger and stronger. I hammered the ground on all fours.

There was another scent though. Something I couldn’t identify, but definitely male. Fury raged inside me.A male wanted our mate?Another male had made our mate afraid.It didn’t matter. Whoever was trying to take her was going to die. Nothing would take her from me. I would never be apart from her. Ever. She was mine.

Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.Mine.

Okay, she was ours. I was forced to share everything with Aaron.

Ahead on the path, I saw someone. The strange scent carried in the air from his direction. Hooded and moving surprisingly fast, our mate slung over his shoulder. Her body hung limp, her limbs making no attempt to strike, to fight back.

I roared in fury.

Why didn’t she move? If she was dead, I would rip his innards out and bathe in his blood while he screamed.

I charged harder, massive chunks of earth flying up as my claws raked, demanding greater traction, my immense bulk firing toward our mate.

He wasn’t slowing. He’d only sped up.

I roared again, channeling every bit of my new size and strength into it, resulting in a volume loud enough to shake the forest. The strange scented one kept running, didn’t even register it. How dare he ignore my voice. Once I’d caught him, I would make sure to burst his eardrums with my bellow.

He streaked off the path and into the woods. I wasn’t far behind. Spindly trees snapped and tumbled like matchsticks against my shoulders. Sap and earth clumped my fur and claws, and even some splinters from the thicker trees had made it through, to stick into my skin, but their stings were welcome, a reminder that being free in this form was a bounty of sensations,including pain.

Through the crunch and rattle of trunk and bush, I bounded, meeting a stream. Its depth not a worry for drowning—at least not for me. But somehow the assailant had made it to the other side. He stood, facing me, though his face was covered in cloth. Our mate still hung limp on his shoulder.

The bold, full moon gave sufficient light for my leap across—

Crack! He’d lobbed a magic grenade into the stream. Electricity. I roared, hammering the night sky with my anger. The stream’s surface crackled in threads of neon blue, weaving and popping, savage in their snake-like twists and turns. Our mate needed me though. I was going over.

I bounded down to the bank and leapt over the water, the electric stings clung to my fur, running across my underbelly, my cock and balls, searing unimaginable pain across my being.

He was going to die slowly, in a world of hurt. He’d dared to take our mate and then think he could fight me for her.
