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We were all back at Ceci’s apartment, minus Vesta and Finnian who, after being assured Ceci was well protected, had left for the night.

NLPD had been and gone, taking statements, showing more than a little disbelief at the corroborating accounts and physical evidence of my gigantic grizzly saving the day. I’d still neglected to tell them about the temple tattoo. I wanted to think it over more before making Osric aware. He could be so hotheaded. I really wouldn’t put it past him to rush off to the nearest temple hangout. I didn’t want to see him in a New Lincoln courthouse on multiple charges of murder.

As Xander had said anyway, the NLPD couldn’t catch a cold. If anyone could get to the bottom of this, it would be the same people who’d been out searching for Ceci’s mom—us and our friends and network. The people who cared enough to delve deep and give every single effort for the sake of a loved one.

After the police had left and Xander’s on call doctor too—who’d confirmed Ceci was okay and patched me up—we all insisted we were staying the night, including Osric.

“I’ll have a wander round the apartment building, keep my Fae senses on alert for anything suspicious and then find a space to sit or sleep on the floor.” He grabbed the key off the counter, getting ready to leave. He turned toward the door, but then pivoted sharply and strode straight over to Ceci.

Her eyes widened and she squeaked as his arms launched themselves around her.

She returned the hug immediately. They held onto each other for several moments. Silence filled the apartment.

Finally, a soft sigh left her lips. When she pulled away first, and went up on her tiptoes to reach his face, he even leaned forward, meeting her halfway as she kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Osric.”

He started to say something then cleared his throat and looked down at her with such intensity, as the apartment stayed silent, no one else saying a word. He looked at her like I had felt myself looking at her earlier—like he never wanted to look away from her or be apart from her again. “I’m so glad you weren’t hurt tonight, Cecilia.”

“I feel the same about everyone.” She gripped his shirt collar with both hands. “You all put yourselves at risk to come after me.” Her gaze was just as intense as his, but there was a tremor in her voice.

“We’d do it again.” His arms tightened around her. “To make sure you’re safe, like you are now. I just—” He pulled away. “You just stay here with the others. Get some rest.”

“Okay.” A flash of sadness washed over her face. But she recovered quickly, schooling her features, probably resigned to his retreat. “Thanks for taking a look around while the rest of us get some sleep,” she said, following him to the door.

“No problem. Lock up behind me,” he said. And she did.

Xander stirred on the couch, where he’d sat down to get some rest. His words came out a bit loopy, but it sounded like he’d said, “Looks like Osric has finally joined the fold.”

Ceci shook her head. “I don’t think—well, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She blushed. “And stop worrying about him,” she scolded Xander. “You’re supposed to be resting. Now, who’s sleeping in the bed with me?”

Jax, Xander and I all glanced at each other, knowing we all wanted to.

It was slightly childish, but we resorted to rock, scissors, paper, to decide Ceci sleeping privileges. She chuckled at us, especially at me. It was my suggestion. For a good reason. A professor of mathematics had enlightened me about averages versus random choices, using that very game as an example. And how to win nine times out of ten.

As a result, the winner would be best out of four and I was two up. Looked like I’d be having a nice—

Xander’s cell phone bleeped, taking him out of the game momentarily, for which we were all standing. He held his palm up in a silencing gesture as he listened intently to the caller. “Mhm. I see. Oh shit.” His face drained of color. Not that he’d had much to begin with. “Okay, thanks. Good job, Timon.”

Tapping his phone, he slipped it back into his pocket before sinking back down on the couch, sighing. “Well, the plot thickens, like so much blood soup. That was one of my street captains with news.” He shuddered.

Ceci sat beside him, stroking his hand, clearly worried about his weakened condition and probably whatever was upsetting him now. “What do you mean? What’s happened?”

“A girl from the party. My party. A freshman. A mixed breed. Vamp and human.”

“And?” I could feel my patience boiling over. “Spit it out then.”

His tone was taut with irritation. “And she’s dead, that’s what. The police got an anonymous tip off, she was found carved up about an hour ago, in her own dorm room. Someone sneaked through the window.”

Ceci clutched Xander’s hand. “Carved up? Oh no. You mean like…”

Xander nodded. “Jack 2.”

“Are they sure it was him?” Jax ran a hand through his hair, starting to pace.

Xander leaned back onto the couch. “I’m afraid so. And it gets worse.”

Ceci’s voice stuttered as she asked, “Ho—how could it possibly be…”

Xander’s eyes, sapphires tinged in scarlet, were strained with the sort of worry I hadn’t seen from the vamp before. It got worse as he looked at Ceci.
