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Though she had woken up once in the dark last night in a panic. She’d simply asked me to hold her and told me we’d both be well in no time. Our girl was really something else.

“If you’re not sick, why does Osric get you in his bed, all to himself?” Xander asked in his usual teasing manner.

“If I have to rest, so does Osric,” Ceci said firmly and placed her small hand on my abdomen. “I know he keeps saying Faes heal quickly. But that shoulder wound was deep.” She gave my lower abdomen an absentminded rub. My cock stirred and I forced myself to ignore it as I had been ever since we’d fallen into my bed last night.

Ceci looked up at Xander from under her eyelashes. “Sharing is not going to be an issue, is it?

“No!” Jax, Aaron and Xander answered at once. Jax shifted on the bed, mumbling “damn, vamp, always stirring up trouble.” But he said it in an indulgent tone.

“Okay, good.” Ceci smiled and I suspected from her quick turnaround she’d known exactly what their answers would be and had been setting them up. “Then Osric and I need a bit of quiet time.”

“Oh. Quiet time.” Xander winked. “Of course, our beloved.” He backed toward the door and blew her a kiss.

She blew one right back at him.

“We’ll come by later to check in, one more time before bed.” Jax leaned over and kissed her, then finally stood.

“Let me leave this here. Just in case,” Aaron said, moving to set the glass of juice by the plate of cookies.

“Thank you, my sweet bear.” Ceci shifted over to the side of the bed to kiss him too.

They finally left us alone. Maybe now I’d get a chance to apologize for how standoffish I’d been with her since that first day in Aaron’s class and reaffirm everything I’d said yesterday in that damn butcher shop—

My phone buzzed on my nightstand.

Dammit. It was my mother. I’d been putting her off for days since we’d last spoken and she’d been calling on and off since this morning. My time was probably up. She might have even known some of what I’d been up to recently, with how much she liked to invade my life.

“Sorry for this,” I murmured to Ceci and settled her back against my chest before picking up the call. “Hello, Mum.”

“Osric. About time you picked up.”

“Apologies, Mother. I’ve been very busy.”

“Oh, I know exactly what you’ve been up to. Throwing yourself into danger. Making new friends. A very close friend, in particular. A certain human girl.”

I took a deep breath. “I know this may upset you, but—”

“I’m not upset at all. I read the police report from last night. And I’ve learned some interesting things about this girl on my own too. I think this Cecilia girl is good for you.”

“What?” That wasn’t what I’d expected. At all.

“Strengthening Fae abilities,” she said. How had my mother known about that? We hadn’t told the police. But she must’ve read between the lines or been up to her usual snooping. “I expect strong grandbabies in the future.”

“What!?” I exclaimed as Ceci chuckled under her breath.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Ensuring a strong family line is our duty.”

“Okay, mum. We can talk about this another time. I’m very glad you’ve accepted Ceci in my life because she’s not going anywhere.” I tightened my arm around Ceci and she snuggled further into me.

“Well, I don’t want her to go anywhere. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.” My mother gave an indignant huff.

“Glad we’re finally on the same page. Now, please check with your advisors about that Fae I texted you about.” My mother had replied earlier she knew no one of that description and my sources were drawing a blank too. “And I promise to call you again soon but I need to get going.” Even with my mother not harassing me to come home or marry me off to some Fae she’d selected for me, I only had so much patience.

“Yes, yes. I’ll do that, and we’ll talk soon. Say hello to my future daughter in law,” she said. “Bye.”

The call ended and I groaned.

“Everything okay?” Ceci ran a soothing hand over my side.
