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“Xander, this better be good. I may have to fire Crystal for going against my instructions.”

“Dad, you’re a bigger asshole than I thought if you fire that poor girl for letting you know your son is in crisis.”

He lets out a long-demented chuckle. “Always so theatrical, my son. So, what’s going on? What sort of crisis are you in?”

“I can’t reach Mom. And she typically answers me immediately, but nothing, and for days, Dad. I’ve not heard from her in days.”

He expels a long deep sigh on his end of the phone. “Yeah, I know, son.”

“Okay, so why the hell is she gone, and why do you sound so blasé about it?”

There’s a long silence on his end, and I wait for him. I know him well enough that no pleading will get me the answers I want.

“She left for our house in Greece three weeks ago, and I’ve not heard from her. But, this much I know, she took Karla with her…” Karla is my mom’s personal security person. “And I get updates from Karla and her team.”

“What the fuck is going on, Dad? Why is Mom in Greece by herself, and you’ve yet to hear from her? No one has.”

Am I so selfish that I have forgotten to call my mom for three weeks?

“She left me, son. I deserve it. I’ve not been the best husband.”

Not a good husbandor father.

“Yeah, I guess I deserve that, son.”

Shit, did I say that out loud? I must have. “So why the fuck aren’t you trying to earn her back?” What am I saying? I’ve wanted my mom to leave the bastard for years.

“I’m giving her space, letting her come to her senses.”

Her senses? Is he for real?

“I’m a shit husband, no doubt, but we’ve built a life together. Sure, she came in with most of the money, but I’ve been careful to convert most of it into Lynol Inc, and honestly, son, she has very little of her own wealth left.”

How have I missed this? “You fucking bastard.”

He laughs again. This time, his tone has no humor. “You’re right, son. But because we signed a prenup, she’ll get nothing from Lynol Inc… So, eventually, she’ll come running back to me because the woman wouldn’t know what living without money is like.”

I have the trust of my grandparents. She can have it.

“And I know you’re thinking about how you can help her. You have money, but if you help her, you’ll never inherit Lynol Inc.”

“I never wanted your fucking money, Dad,” I almost scream into the phone.

“Keep telling yourself that, son. Maybe one day, you’ll believe it.”

I end the call. I can’t even slam my phone down, it’s my personal cell, and as mad as I am, I’d break it.

I type out a message for my mother.

Me:I just got off the phone with Dad. He’s such a bastard. About time you saw that. I don’t care what Dad is saying. I’ll sign over my trust to you. I have a good job and don’t need Dad’s or Grandpa’s money. If you don’t call me back, I’m flying to Greece this weekend.

Fuck, how in the world did I let this happen?

* * *

Two days go by,and I don’t hear from my mother. I’m going out of my mind. I have spoken with Karla, who insists my mom is safe and under her care. Thank fuck.

I exit the bathroom and run into Clark’s large body, knocking me off balance. “Shit, Xan. Sorry about that. But I’m glad I ran into you.”
