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“Whatever you say, Farmer,” I acknowledge, my voice comes out louder and angrier than I’d expected it to.

“Now what’s crawled up your ass, Xan? I thought you’d agree.”

My attention shifts to the fucker. “And did you even think to ask me, or are you so full of yourself that you think you’re the only opinion that matters?”

“Okay, enlighten me, because this is all kinds of fucked up. How do we go from enemies to lovers in less than two days?” he asks, pushing himself as far from me as humanly possible, but still remaining on the bed.

“My opinion, it was fucking hot. So, fucking hot?”

“What?” He’s confused.

“You told me to enlighten you, and here it goes. You and me, together, it was so fucking hot, and do you want to know the craziest part of it?”

He bites his bottom lip with his teeth and is silent for a moment. And I wait for his answer. “Fuck, I’m almost afraid to ask,” he finally replies.

I adjust my body toward him, crawling to empty the space between us. “I want to do it again, and again, and maybe again.”

He jerks his head back, his eyes widening at my revelation and I wait for him to speak. “I don’t know if we’re certifiably crazy.” His words make us both laugh, but he leans down, capturing my mouth before I understand what’s happening. I open up, let him taste me, and explore his mouth. I nip at his lips, gentle bites, and as sweet as it starts, our urgency turns to overwhelming need.


“Yeah,” I answer.

“I don’t want to stop. I really don’t.”

I pull his body closer to me. “Then don’t, farm boy,” I tease.

“I think we should slow it down, for now.”

I let out a little snicker. “Of course, we’re going to disagree. It’s in our blood.” I pull back and see his blown pupils and the lust, and there’s no doubt we both want the other.

“Since this isn’t going to happen, let me make us some breakfast.” I crawl out of bed as confused as before, though my cock isn’t confused. He knows exactly who he wants. “Stay put, you’ve come down with something, and as I’ve said several times, you have to stay off that fucking ankle.”

“You’re so fucking bossy, Xan.”

Silence falls over us and I wonder if this is fear and isolation manifesting itself as need and desire. Will we go back to our hateful ways after we’re rescued?

* * *

We both atea similar version of beans, but this time I was able to cook instant rice I found behind all the cans in a sealed container. Not so bad for someone who barely ever cooks.

I leave the dishes in the sink because it’s too cold away from the fire. I peek out the window and sure enough, it’s still fucking snowing. “It’s never snowed this much in the fifteen years we’ve been coming up here, and Mom and I would stay for a couple weeks to get away from Dad, if I was on winter break.”

“You really don’t like your dad, do you?”

“Not everyone has a perfect family.” My words come out cold, and my anger is misplaced. It’s not Clark’s fault but the man whose blood runs through me. “Shit, Clark, sorry. That was an asshole thing to say, and…”

I’m next to him but this time we’re closer than before. His hand extends to my arm. “I get it, Xan. It’s okay. It really is.” But his hand stays on me.

“This is dangerous, Farmer,” I warn and he backs in closer to me, but his breath can be felt on my neck as he leans in, his lips skimming my skin from the slope of my neck to the crook of my shoulder.

“I know, right? We hate each other, but right now, I can’t find anything about you to hate, Xan.” His tongue licks my cold and clammy skin, sending goose bumps down my arms.

“We’re not going slow, either.”

“Doesn’t seem like hate, Xan,” he whispers in my ears. “Anyway, we’re in the privacy of this cabin. No one needs to know. And by the way our bodies react to one another, we owe it to each other to explore this chemistry we share.” After pushing me away, now, he admits this!

Chemistry is one word used to describe the last couple of days and how he responds to my touch, or vice versa.
