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It’s been two weeks since Xander left at three in the morning, dropping one last kiss on my forehead. We’ve texted almost every day. However, we still need to make the leap to daily phone calls. We’re slow in what this can be, but my feelings for him have come on so fast that I don’t know how to act. Do I jump in with both feet? We’re both cautious due to what the other may say.

It’s a Thursday, and part of me wants to fly to Minneapolis for the weekend and surprise Xander, but I’m too scared. My mind should be on this takeover by an American company, but it’s not. I’m about to text Xander to say hi, but when I reach for my phone, it rings with my brother’s picture and number on the screen. JJ never calls me during the workday. He’s too busy in the fields, and I’m occupied at work, and if he’s calling, it only means one thing. And my heart plummets.

“JJ, what’s wrong?”

“I had a feeling you’d know it was an emergency.” I can hear my mother’s cries in the background. “Ma’s okay. But, there’s been an accident, and Liz was killed last night in a head-on collision. Ma is beside herself.”

“Liz Lynol?” My heart splits open, for the friend she’s always been to my mother, but also for Xander. His mom was his whole world.

“Yeah, she and Lyle were hit by a trucker last night on their way home from the city. The family isn’t playing around. The funerals are tomorrow.”

“Wait, Lyle died, too?”

“Yes, both died instantly. Ma was on the phone with Xander, and he’s beside himself. Not sure if he cares much for his old man, but his mother….”

“Yeah, she is everything to him—was everything. I’m on the first flight I can get….”

“Clark, I’ve got Ma. She doesn’t expect you…”

“I know, JJ, but…” What do I say? I have to get to Xan. “I’ll text you the details.” I try Xan’s number, but it goes instantly to voice mail, and I dial Micah’s internal line, but it only rings and rings.

The next call is to one of the senior partners and my boss. “Good morning, Mr. Farmer. What can I do for you today?” He’s always been very good to me since starting over a month ago.

“Good morning, Jim,” I say. “Did you hear the news of Lyle Lynol?”

He lets out a long deep breath over the line. “I was notified an hour ago. We’re on an emergency need-to-know basis only. How did you find out?”

“I went to school with Xander Lynol, and my ma is best friends with his mom. Then, Xander and I became close when we got stuck in the mountains last month.”

“That’s right. So, were you just telling me to give me a heads-up, or is there more?”

“Yes, I’d like to leave tomorrow in time to attend the funeral. My dad died a couple of years ago, and this loss will hit my ma hard. Plus, I’d like to extend my condolences to Xander.”

He’s breathing hard on the other end of the line, years of smoking and his rounded stomach don’t make him a pillar of health, but he’s a damn good lawyer and a very fair man.

“I get that, Mr. Farmer. What’s going on with the Hamilton acquisition?”

Fuck, I’m not as far along with that as I’d like. “I can have the paperwork drawn up tonight before I leave. It’s waiting on the final total, which is still in negotiations. If I don’t have the bottom line, the numbers throw everything off.”

“Get it ready, and hand it off to Douglas Anders. He can complete it if they get their asses out of their butts and decide on a number by tomorrow, but I need you back Monday morning, ready for the McDonald acquisition, which should be starting this weekend. Do we have a deal?”

“Yes, sir.”

I hang up the phone to send Xan a message.

Me:I’m on my way. I’ll be there tomorrow in time for the funeral.

My heart has never broken for another as it does for Xander in this moment. Not even Jen. It’s how I know he’s different.

* * *

The boardof directors of Lynol Inc decided a quick funeral was appropriate before the press could get wind of the deaths and swarm the service. As I pull up to the gate of the illustrious Lynol house, I see the news has broken, and there is a three-ring circus at the front of the entrance.

I’m stopped at the gate, which makes sense, but I’d not given it any thought. The service is at a private cemetery on their land.
