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Her smirk is equal to humor and rebuke as she begins to whip together the eggs and milk. “And what if he had chosen Notre Dame? You’ve wanted to attend Notre Dame since your dad first took you to a game when we were living in Kansas.”

She’s right. I love that school. I bleed the Fighting Irish. “I would’ve gone there. It’s big enough that I can’t imagine I would run into him, especially since we don’t have the same social circle of friends.”

“Okay, son, whatever you say.” My ma excels at many things, and sarcasm is one of them. “But just so you know, according to Liz, he has no idea you’re attending Notre Dame. He thinks you’re going to Purdue,” she mentions.

There’s nothing about Xander Lynol that interests me. The fact that we both have been in debate, football, basketball, the scholastic bowl, and chess club together is a coincidence.

My phone buzzes as I swipe more cookies and turn to go to my room. “Don’t get crumbs everywhere, Clark. You hear me?”

“Yeah, Ma. I promise.” I drop a couple crumbs when I answer the phone. Not surprised my best friend is calling me. It’s a Friday night, after all. Derek Castle has been my best bro since the first day of third grade. When Xander waged war on me, Derek took me under his wing.

“C, we’re going out tonight. There’s a party at Micah Jonas’s house, and before you say anything, the douchebag of the century is out of town.”

I let out a long groan. I typically can’t escape him. “Not really feeling it tonight. Anyway, Jen and I are hanging out at her house. And I gotta work tomorrow. Some of us have jobs.”

Moba, Minnesota, is a small suburb of Minneapolis. It’s evenly split between the working class and the ultra-wealthy. Either you live on the flat lands as we call it, like Derek and me, or you live on the hill with assholes like Lynol and their million-dollar mansions. And for me it’s even worse, technically I’m a flatter, but we’re also farmers, which means most of the rich folk from the hills look at me like I’m gum on the bottom of their shoes.

Derek isn’t rich like the kids on the hill, but his parents pay for his car and gas because they want him to concentrate on school and sports.

“You’re choosing your girl over your bros?” he asks, a whine in his voice.

I let out a chuckle. “Jen’s parents aren’t in town, so I sort of am.”

“Okay, that’s acceptable, but at least show up for an hour. Have a beer, and then you can return to your girlfriend’s house and bang her.”

Derek is crude, and I let it slide. Jen is more to me than just a roll in the hay, she’s my best friend. “Maybe Jen and I’ll come for a little bit. And if that asshole shows up, you better let me know. I have no intention of dealing with him tonight.”

He chose Harvard. His dad went there, and it wasn’t a choice at all, and I celebrate that I will finally get rid of the bastard for good.

* * *

The party isin full swing when Jen and I walk into the ritzy mansion of Micah Jonas. He’s an asshole by association, but it is almost incredible how he changes to a somewhat decent human when he’s not with Lynol. “Jen, baby, let me find the bathroom. I’ll be right back. Grab me a beer if you can.” I kiss Jen’s forehead and move to the other end of the house.

I open the door to the bathroom when voices garner my attention. “Are you fucking kidding me, Xan? Your father will cut you off, you know that—if you defy him.”

“I’m tired of being one of his many yes men, Mic. All day long, everyone says yes to Lyle Lynol. He’d ask someone to murder another person, and they’d most likely do it if they haven’t already.” I know the voice. He’s determined. I’ve seen it too much when we’re up against each other.

“It’s the school I’ve always wanted to go to, you know it. South Bend and West Lafayette are far enough away. We can be in the same state.”

I’m about to turn toward the bathroom when Micah’s words stop me. “What are you talking about, Xan? Clark isn’t going to Purdue, he’s going to Notre Dame, too.”

My heart stops beating, and sweat forms on my forehead. This can’t be happening. “What, Mic?” Xander sounds genuinely confused as his words come out as a stutter, but I don’t give a fuck. “I was told Clark was going to Purdue. You must be wrong. I’m not going to the same fucking university as he is? Tell me it’s not true.”

I take a step into the huge game room. “No, you’re fucking right, you’re not going to the same university as me. Stay the fuck away from Notre Dame, and we won’t have a problem.”

I should have known that a statement like that would only spur him on. He’ll most likely go simply to spite me, and if I’m not careful, the asshole and I will have the same major.

* * *

Co-fucking-valedictorians.They may have made us co-valedictorians, but I’m convinced my GPA is better than Xander Lynol’s. Maybe they knew that it would lead to a physical fight between us. But as I listen to his speech, droning on, I wish I had misunderstood him. His exact words are, “I’ll attend Notre Dame next semester. Period.” I don’t know if that period statement of finality is for me or his father. I’m positive it’s his fuck you to both of us.

I don’t listen to anything after his declaration because it’s all bullshit. I’ve already given my short valedictorian speech, which was to the point, not like this asshole’s speech.

Do I accept that I may bump into him occasionally for the next four years? I could move. I had a full-ride from Alabama, but I’d be the asshole going back on my word, as I’ve been committed to Notre Dame for months. He sits next to me after his long as fuck speech, only to smile directly at me as another fuck you. I lean over to whisper in his ear. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a hard-on for me, Xan. Following me to school.” I relax back in my chair, and I’ve rendered him speechless. Just the way I like it.


