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I realize through all of this, I have a brother, and I don’t even know his name.

“Does it say anything about him?” I ask.

“Ah, yes, the lad’s name is Nicolas Starling. And he grew up in New York, he’s twenty-four and has been working in accounting for the past year.”

He’s quiet for a beat longer, and my attention is on the outside and the Sunday traffic, as everyone is going and coming, and yet my life has just changed for the second time in a week, or maybe third if you count Clark and me. That part of my life is the only thing that isn’t fucked up.

“Your dad didn’t leave you any sort of conditions, and I figured you were prepared for anything and everything, but maybe not this.”

I’m quiet for a second. “So, what are you thinking, son?”

There’s no way to tell him exactly what’s going through my mind. “I want to get back to my boyfriend. And, I need to decompress. I should have expected the unexpected with my dear old fucking father.”

“Didn’t know you were seeing anyone. I missed him at the funeral.” He’s fishing but again, Clark will come out in his own time.

“We’re not announcing it, not yet, but…”

I turn around and his eyes connect to mine. “I see it, that he’s important to you. And I’m glad you have someone. Just know you have trusted men within your father’s company that you can depend on, and you have me. I’d take this day by day. I know you’re still mourning. Lean on those that are important in your life. And know I’m here.”

I leave as I came, nothing in my hands besides my keys. Sending a message to Clark, I ask him to come to me.

Me:Can you meet me at my place?

His reply is instantaneous.

Clark:Yes. Sitting down to have breakfast with Ma and JJ right now. I’ll leave for the airport from your home this evening.

I look at the time. It’s barely nine a.m., and Clark booked the latest flight tonight, leaving at eleven this evening. All I want is to be held by him before he returns to New York.

* * *

I havea chance to change before a knock on the door has me almost running to get to him. I pull it back and sure enough it’s Clark with a brown bag he holds up. “Ma told me she was fixing you some lunch.”

Martina Farmer is nothing if not persistent. “How many times do you think she’ll invite me out for supper during the week?”

He leans in and drops a kiss on my cheek.“Every night if she has her way,” he admits and I take his suitcase he’s brought, placing it by the door. “I figured I’d shave before I leave tonight, to avoid it in the morning.”

He drops our lunch off in the small eat-in kitchen, and I fall back onto my couch. I haven’t yet processed the information I received today. In my demeanor, he must sense my mood. Who the fuck finds out about a long-lost brother, a love child due to my father’s affair, at the age of almost thirty?

“That bad?” he asks, taking a seat next to me, our knees touching.

“In typical Lyle Lynol fashion, he has given me a very unique and unexpected gift.”

There’s no amusement in my voice. He takes my hand, bringing it to his mouth to kiss it.

“Okay, whatever it is, we’ll face it together.” His eyes along with his words convey a gentleness.

He knows what to say to calm me. “Well, he gave me the company without conditions, so in that, I can make the changes in the morally gray area. But, he also left twenty percent of the company to my half-brother.”

This gets his attention as he whips his face toward mine. “I didn’t know you had a half-brother.”

“Neither did I, at least I hadn’t up to an hour ago.”

He tosses an arm around my shoulders, shoulders that are bearing the weight of the world all on their own.

“Shit, baby. I’m sorry. What a way to find out.”

I remember the words of my father and something isn’t settling well with me. As a matter of fact, if anything, I fear I may have another Lyle Lynol on my hands.
