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And as I do sample the two of us mixed together, I have to agree with him. We’re fucking delicious together.

* * *

I cleanup just enough to run downstairs to the kitchen to pick up our dinner. When I return, Xander has a bottle of Merlot open and two glasses poured for us at the small bistro table to the right of my kitchen.

“Look at you. Being all sophisticated.” I point to the table because I don’t think I’ve ever sat there.

“Yeah, I bring some class to your life, baby,” he insists, sending a wink my way. Not only is our wine set on the table but he has plates and silverware.

“You’re classing up the joint, babe. My apartment isn’t used to this level of decorum,” I tease, and fuck do I love this man.

“Well, come bring your gorgeous self over here with our dinner. I worked up quite the appetite.”

Setting the dinner on the table, he pulls me in for a kiss. “Now, I can get used to that sort of greeting each time we’re away from one another for longer than twelve hours.”

“But, what you forget is that I’ll be able to take you every night for the next eight nights, and believe me, I’m not going a night without yours or my ass getting some action.”

I serve him, the cheesy lasagna sliding off the spatula. “I won’t say no, Farmer. I hope you know that. By the way, how did you know I loved Merlot?”

It’s my turn to serve myself, and like Xan, I, too, worked up an appetite. “I wasn’t sure what particular brand you like. But I’ve seen you enough throughout the years. I caught you drinking wine more than beer, and at the time, I was likewhat a pretentious prick with his pretentious wine.But, I’ve got to say, there’s something about a smooth red wine.”

“You knew I preferred Merlot?”

“I guess I did. Plus, you drank it the night of the funeral. So, yeah, I may have picked it up in the past, but I’m paying close attention to it now,” I add.

“Hell, Farmer, once I think I figured you out, you continue to surprise me.”

“Keep on figuring me out, Xan, because believe me, I’m still doing the same.” I take a bite of my food, using the bread and sopping some of the sauce up with it. “Hey, not that we had a lot of time for this, but I made room in my closet for your suits, and there are two drawers in the dresser you can use this week.”

“Look at you making me feel welcome. Be careful, I may not want to leave.”

And I don’t want you to leave is on the tip of my tongue but I don’t say it. A week in the city is more than I expected less than ten days after losing his parents.

“So, what’s the plan for the week? You’ve set an appointment with your brother?”

He shrugs his shoulders and rolls his eyes. There’s an uncertainty in his demeanor I don’t see often, but he’s lowering his defenses and letting me see a little of his vulnerable side.

“I know it seems cold, but I don’t know how to do this.”

I reach over the table and grab onto his hand. “And you’re doing great. You handle this the only way you know of. Believe me, no one expects anything else out of you and if they do, then they can go fuck themselves.”

He lets out a small grin. “You’re my number one person in my life. Thanks for being my cheerleader.”

“Oh, baby. I’m your ride or die. I’m here for you, and I’ll always be your cheerleader.”

He squeezes my hand. “I don’t know when the press will get wind of this.”

“We’ll figure it out, Xan. I’m here, and you don’t have to do it alone.”

And I’ve never meant anything like I do with those specific words.

* * *

Monday morning comes,and my alarm clock wakes me at four. We were up too late last night talking. It didn’t matter if it was his favorite color, which I found out was orange, or his obsession with apples, which he must eat three to four a day, I find I want to know it all with him.

“Four? Really, baby?” he whines, opening one eye, and even though he’s not a morning person, I love waking up to him.

“Go back to sleep. I have a meeting with London at seven this morning and have a lot to prepare for.” I’m not out of bed yet, but as I slide from the warmth of his body and the covers, I straddle him, peppering kisses down his body. I stop before I derail myself and begin the day with morning sex, which I’m a huge fan of, but today, I’ll have to abstain.
