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I tenderly tip his head down to mine. “Fuck, yeah, I do.”

His eyes glisten and his answer is as precious as he is. “Then I’d say you better get to asking soon before I decide to take matters into my own hands.”

And even though hate no longer resides in my heart when it comes to Clark, we still share a competitive nature. “Oh, I’ll keep that in mind, Clark Farmer.”

And a week later, it’s how I find myself on one knee, in front of our friends and family, as I ask him to spend his life with me. And of course, he says yes.



Six months later

Love is funny. It sneaks up on you so quickly, and it can mimic other emotions. When I thought I was searching for the greatest love of my life, it was standing right in front of me, camouflaged like hate.

Twenty years, we both let hate consume us, but today we promise to let love be our guide. It took us a couple weeks to determine we couldn’t live without each other. Then it took six months to plan our wedding because Ma got involved. God, I love that woman.

Standing in front of our friends and family, chairs set up in the front yard of my parents’ farmhouse, we’re face-to-face, vowing to love one another forever.

JJ is my best man. He will forever be the best man I know besides the person who’s about to become my husband. And speaking of my future husband, his brother, a man who has become a fourth son to my ma, stands next to him.

“Xander, repeat after me,” the minister begins, “I will honor Clark, I will support Clark, and I will love him until my very last breath.”

“I, Xander, will honor my husband, I will forever support him, and there’s no one in this world I could ever love more than him.”

And like we did so often in the cabin, he winks at me.

“It’s your turn, Clark. Repeat after me, or paraphrase as your future husband did.” Everyone begins to laugh but all I can focus on is our future together. “I, Clark, will honor Xan, I will support him, and I will love him until my last breath.”

“I, Clark, am thankful for the history that we share. What started out as hate turned into something so much deeper than love. I have no choice but to love him because he’s captured my heart, and as far as supporting him and honoring him, I commit my life to that. I will love him until I breathe my last breath.”

The minister shakes his head at us. “You two are trouble, but you’re each other’s trouble. And for that very reason, with the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss, but knowing you, you may just want to find a room for a while.”

Xander plants a chaste kiss on my lips, pulling me away and down the aisle. “You heard the man. Get this party started, and we’ll return in a little bit.” Before I know it, he has me against the wall of my childhood room, and my cock is in his mouth. If this isn’t the best way to start our marriage, I don’t know what is.

* * *

He wouldn’t tellme where we were going on our honeymoon, just that it was a place that was special to the both of us. And because he wanted it to be a surprise, he rented a driver, and we stayed busy in the back of the limo on our way to our destination. I still can’t get enough of this man’s body.

“What do you have planned, Mr. Roan?”

Yeah, there’s certainly a story there. We wanted to share our last name. Even though there was a part of him who was glad his father loved him, he wanted to distance himself from the Lynol name. He’d asked if he could take my last name. But the more I thought about it, it seemed unfair. As he made many changes to the structure of Lynol Inc, one was to change the branding and name altogether. Roan Corp was born, and it was my suggestion that we’d take his mother’s maiden name.

“I don’t know, Mr. Roan, but when we get there, I’m going to have to blindfold you.”

I lie in his arms. “Are you telling me you’ll blindfold me as a surprise, or just because you want to have kinky sex?”

His eyes glimmer with mischief. “Oh, now there’s an idea, Clarkston Jackson Roan. Let’s keep the blindfold for that reason.”

The car turns and the driver calls for us through the intercom. “We’re here, Mr. Ly…I mean, Mr. Roan.”

And as promised, Xan grabs a blindfold and secures it around my head. “Let me help you out, husband of mine,” he croons, holding onto my elbow. I stand a little wobbly, never knowing what Xander has in store for us.

“Xan, baby, don’t forget to grab the small box for me.”

The gravel kicks up around me, and if I’m hearing it right, the car is leaving. “Xan, the last time we were stranded, it was magical, and I fell in love with you but I’d rather not almost die again.”

He tugs the blindfold from me, and I stop breathing. I legit forget to breathe. We’re standing in front of our cabin. Not the Lynol Cabin Mansion, which he sold, but the cabin that holds the beginning of our love story.
