Page 97 of Curveball

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When eyes flick to me, I brace again but that awestricken look goes nowhere. “Sunday?”

Fuck, that’s weird.

My wave is nothing short of painfully awkward. “Hi.”

“Oh my God.” Stars glitters in her eyes, which I’ve learned is a very typical reaction to Cass. He always seems to be met with reverence, even when it’s not a Wolves fan recognizing him; just last week, a self-proclaimed devout Yankees supporter expressed his sincere condolences about his injury. It’s like he’s earned his place and people just unanimously respect that, something I can’t imagine being particularly common in his world.

To this girl’s credit, she snaps herself out of it quickly. There’s still a certain glaze to her eyes but she’s almost all business as she transfers the large collection Cass has already accumulated from his arms to hers. “I’ll get a fitting room started.”

Pearly whites flash. “That’d be great.”

“Looking for anything in particular?” she asks me.

“I dunno.” I eye Cass. “Am I?”

When he cocks his head, I know I'm in trouble. “A whole new wardrobe, right, baby?”

I grit my teeth, cursing the saleswoman's presence and, as a consequence, my diminished capacity for argument. “Whatever you say,darlin’.”

The saleswoman simpers. “Y’all are adorable.”

“Adorable.” A big palm strokes down the back of my head and cups my nape, gently urging me forward as the lady leads us to the fitting room. “Don’t think I’ve ever been called that before.”

I slide my hand into his back pocket and pinch. “Not the word I would use.”

Breath warms my temple. “You know she can’t see your hand, right? You’re feeling me up for no good reason.”

I rip my hand away like his ass is on fire. “Shut up.”

A rich laugh, then lips touch my skin. “I wasn’t complaining.”

“You can go in with her,” the saleswoman interrupts us with a wink, opening the fitting room with a flourish. “I won’t tell.”

Cass oozes charm as he thanks her, following me in before I can protest.

“Don’t worry.” Sitting into the too-small chair in the corner, he makes himself as comfortable as he can, head flopping back against the wall as his eyes drift shut. “I won’t look.”

“You’re really gonna make me try this all on?”

“Hey, you’re the one who brought this up in the first place. I’m just problem solving here.”

“No one asked you to.”

Sighing, he cracks open an eye. “Is the coffee thing gonna work two days in a row?”

When I flick a pair of leggings at him, he blindly tosses them back. “Try those first. Amelia loves them.”

Figuring we’ll get out of here faster if I play along, I oblige. Immediately, I’m annoyed because the material glides up my legs easily, so soft against my skin, the flare leg the perfect length instead of comically long like every other pant in the world.

Wriggling into the matching sports bra too, I cock my head at my reflection. Okay. Maybe I can buyonething.

“I thought we could look at some nursery stuff today too.” Like a kid in a candy store, Cass lists everything he wants and while he’s excited, all I’m seeing are dollar signs and space constraints.

“Where exactly do you think I’m gonna put all this?”

He cracks open an eye, doing a quick, indecipherable scan before focusing on my face. “In my house.”

“You’re gonna have a nursery?”
