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Marek sensed a change in Olivia’s condition as the first rays of the rising sun poked through the blinds. He put the book away, dismissed his body’s innate need for rest, and returned to Olivia’s side. Though he hadn’t completed the mating bond, he sensed her in his psyche, a slight and ethereal presence.

Her cheeks had regained some color. Her eyes moved behind her lids restlessly, but she didn’t move.

Marek held her hand and tried to call to her telepathically.Olivia, wake up. Come back to me.

Maybe it was because she’d used so much magic or because their connection had deepened, but his words slid past her mental shields.

Her fingers twitched in his hand. A heartbeat later, her eyes opened. When she gave him a tentative smile, all was right in his world again. Love tangled with terror in his heart, and he kissed her; her sweet taste lit up the dark place where his soul should be.

Marek broke the kiss before the flames of passion engulfed them. He dropped his forehead to hers and said hoarsely, “You can’t keep doing this to me, Olivia.”

She nipped his mouth lightly. “Do what? What happened?”

“You used magic to revive Betsy.”

She blinked before he saw it all hit her at once. She pushed him without any strength. “Betsy! Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. Stop. Don’t move.” Marek sat up beside her and held her down gently.

Olivia swatted at his hand, the movement slow. “Let me up.”

Since she would just keep arguing if he didn’t, he helped her sit up.

“You said Betsy’s fine. Is she awake?”

“No. She’s still unconscious, but her heart’s beating.”

Olivia sighed, grief enveloping her. “So, it didn’t work.”

“It worked. She’s alive.” His heart sped up as his immediate fear passed, replaced with frustrated anger. “What were you thinking? You almost died.”

She shot him her usual glare. “I can’t let her die.”

“And you’ll sacrifice your life instead? What if Andrea hadn’t arrived in time? You’re smarter than that.”

Damn it. He had to get himself under control and stop talking bullshit. He should be cuddling her, catering to her every whim, not scolding her. But if he didn’t talk some sense into her, who knew what other dangers she would jump headfirst into?

Surprisingly, Olivia didn’t respond. She seemed lost in thought before she shuddered. The pungent scent of her fear spiked the air, the feeling so strong Marek felt it as well.

He changed position to sit beside her and hugged her to his side. “What is it?”

“When I was healing Betsy, there was something else there.” She gazed up at him, her panic twisting his stomach into knots. “You’re sure Betsy’s alive?”

“Yes, I can hear her heartbeat.”

“Good,” she murmured, but she didn’t look comforted. Marek rubbed his hands up and down her arms, dispelling her goosebumps. His anger dissipated when she leaned against him like this, when his very touch soothed her rattled nerves.

Sighing, Marek lifted her chin with a finger and implored, “Please, promise me you won’t do something like that again.”

Olivia bit her lips, hesitating. “I can’t. I promised my parents on their death bed I would take care of Betsy.”

Now it all made sense. He marveled again at her unswerving loyalty, his love for her growing moment by moment. “And you have,” he said. “You raised her and protected her. I doubt your parents meant for you to give up your life for Betsy.”

“Maybe not, but if they were here, they’d do anything for her. I can’t do any less. I thought you’d understand. You’re the one jumping into explosions to save vampires.”

Sometimes he wished she wasn’t so perceptive. “I do, but I don’t have to like it.”

Olivia chuckled and hugged him tighter. Her eyes met his, and his heart constricted when he saw the love reflected in her eyes.
