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What? Olivia blinked, the response to Marek dying on her tongue. Did she hear correctly?

“Say it again,” Marek ordered, his hand holding hers tight.

“Betsy is awake,” Tristan repeated.

Olivia could only stare at Marek, shock and hope and disbelief warring inside her. Then, her body came alive on its own, and she bolted out of the room, sprinting as fast as the dress and heels allowed.

Since their return from Brazil, Betsy’s condition hadn’t changed. Olivia’s magic had been so weak she couldn’t even enter the dream state to see if Drakos had freed Betsy. Instead, they gathered the ingredients for the life transfer spell and counted the days until Gorgon’s eyes bloomed again.

When she arrived at Betsy’s room, she stopped at the door, Marek behind her. A sob escaped her. Betsy, her little sister, her only family, had her eyes open. Those brown eyes, so like her own, blinked, and her lips curved up in a weak smile.


Overcome with happiness and the release of weeks of fear and uncertainty, Olivia was speechless as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Betsy’s eyes widened. “Wow, you look amazing.” A familiar tilt of her head. “Wait. Are you sure you’re my sister? Am I still dreaming? Nah, I can’t even dream of you being this hot.”

Olivia swallowed the lump in her throat at Betsy’s teasing smile. “You’re awake,” she said, her voice filled with disbelief.

Betsy’s eyes also turned glassy with the sheen of tears. “Yes, I am. You told me to come back, and I came back.”

With those words, Olivia rushed to Betsy’s side. They enveloped each other in a tight hug and cried their hearts out. Olivia didn’t care she was ruining her makeup or that she had an audience. The tears poured out of her like a flood breaking over a dam. She didn’t know how long she stayed there. Marek was a faint presence in her psyche. She appreciated he didn’t try to comfort her, knowing how much she needed this.

“You have raccoon eyes,” Betsy said after their sobs reduced to small hiccups.

“I don’t care. I’m so happy you’re back. I’ll even walk to my party like this if you want,” Olivia said.



A short pause. Before they both giggled. Betsy recovered first and glanced at the door. “Who’s the hunk?”

Olivia beamed and waved Marek over. She must’ve looked quite the sight, with mascara trailing down her face and smeared lipstick, but she didn’t care.

Not one bit.

“This is Marek,” she introduced him. “He’s a vampire and my mate.”

Betsy looked from Olivia, to Marek, back to Olivia again before slumping deeper into her pillows. “I go into a coma and you fall in love? Life’s not fair.” Olivia would’ve felt guilty if not for Betsy’s playful grin. “Congrats, Ollie. I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you. We have so much to catch up on.”

Marek gently laid a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll let Leah know we won’t make it.”

“Wait,” Betsy interrupted. “You should go to your thing.”

“It’s fine. I want to stay here with you.”

“No, please.” Her sister got that stubborn look in her eyes. “I know I just came out of a coma, but I’m tired. Let’s catch up tomorrow. I want to know everything.”

Since Betsy looked like she might fall asleep any second, Olivia nodded reluctantly. “All right.”

When she and Marek returned to her room, she let out a loud whoop and screamed, “She’s awake!”

Words failed to express her happiness. She leaped at Marek, who caught her easily, and kissed him with joy pouring out of her. He returned her kiss with equal enthusiasm, his mouth hot and hungry.

We’re not going to make it to Leah’s party, are we?Olivia asked, not breaking the kiss. Marek sat on the couch with her above him and pushed her dress up so she could spread her legs and rub her core against his erection.
