Page 3 of Rent a Hitman

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I’m actually going to Charlotte’s obnoxious wedding website and RSVPing—with a plus-one added.

Now let’s hope this is real and not too good to be true.



Ididn’t expect it to be so easy to make this happen.

After she ran from me, I knew I had to dig deeper into her life. There was something so incredibly intriguing about her. Something that wanted me to know everything about her.

Plus, she was still my best chance to get into the wedding. I needed to be her plus-one, whatever it took. So when I hacked into her computer to see what she was searching for, I found my in. Creating a male escort ad didn’t take much, and she was too desperate to question her luck.

For two weeks, I’ve waited, expecting her to reach out via email and cancel. I figured she’d come to her senses after a day or so. There was no such email, and stalking Ainsley on social media told me how she’d been preparing for the wedding: checking in at a dress shop earlier this week, then at a nail salon yesterday. She wants to look good for this, and that means having a man on her arm.

A little more background work on her family confirmed my suspicions. She’s the odd duck. When I look through family photos posted by the middle-aged woman I now know is her mother, I find Ainsley standing alone most of the time, slightly off to the side. While they’re wearing designer shit and sporting fake tans, she wears the same type of clothes I saw her in at the pet store.

I sort of admire her for that. She doesn’t care about fitting in. We have that in common.

Now, here I am, wearing a suit and a tie, which I’m pretty sure is strangling me. The things I do for my job. The fact is, over the past two weeks, I’ve almost forgotten Paul Marshall’s place in all of this—I was too busy deep diving into his cousin, Ainsley, and what makes her tick. Why a cute girl like her has to resort to renting a date. She might be odd, but she is also beautiful, funny, and smart.

My dick hardens under my slacks just by thinking of her tight little body and how good her plump lips would feel wrapped around my aching cock.

Fuck. I shake the thought away. Today isn’t about her. It’s about getting close to my target, so I can take him out. Since when is that something I have to remind myself of?

I’m five minutes early when I knock on her apartment door, and the squawking of a bird on the other side reminds me about her parrot. Her neighbors must absolutely love it.

“Just a minute!” She’s breathless, her voice high-pitched. Nerves. I lean in, my ear close to the door, and I hear her murmuring. Probably reminding the cat how even though she’s going out with an actual human being today, he’ll always be the number one guy in her life. I can’t make out what she’s saying, but I’d be willing to bet money on it.

Suddenly, the door flies open, leaving me off-balance. I catch myself before falling against her, then take in the outcome of all the work she’s put into today’s look. She’s been busy having her hair and makeup done. I’ve seen what the girl can do when left to her own devices—a professional handled her this time around.

That’s not what makes my eyes widen, though. It’s her dress. She’s wearing a ball gown—like something out of a Disney movie. It’s pale blue, a little shimmery, with a full skirt that makes noise when she takes a step back on recognizing me.

And she does immediately; fear washes over her face, making her flushed cheeks pale. Those enormous eyes of hers only grow wider. “You? What are you doing here?”

Before I have a chance to answer, she swings the door hard like she wants to lock me out. She’s quick, but I’m quicker, wedging a foot between it and the doorjamb before it can close.

“Why are you not letting me in? You paid me to come here.” Her eyes go wide as she realizes why I’m here.

“I-I didn’t know it was you,” she blurts out.

“What’s wrong with me? And while we’re on the subject, why would you invite some man to your house you know nothing about? You didn’t even ask for a picture.”

“I… because…I thought…” She stumbles over her words, unable to form a single sentence. Her bottom lip quivers, drawing my attention to it before her big baby blue eyes suck me back in.

“You thought what—”

“ATTACK!” She suddenly screams, pointing her small dainty finger at me. “Klaus, attack!”

I scan the room for her weird-looking cat and find him lounging on the back of the couch.

He doesn’t move. Not even his ear twitches. That cat couldn’t care less if I bent Ainsley over the coffee table and fucked her raw.

That thought has my dick stiffening again.

“Nice try, but even if your cat would care to move a paw, don’t you think I could handle a ten-pound animal?”

“How dare you? Klaus is not ten pounds! You are going to make him feel fat.”
