Page 25 of Reckless Dare

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“Dad wants to live with me while he undergoes treatment.”

I don’t know what Gio thinks about this because his face remains unmoved. He adjusts his cufflinks and licks his lips while looking at me. It’s kind of intimidating. I don’t think we’ve maintained eye contact this long since we were children having staring contests.

“I’m glad I didn’t answer then. Good luck with that.”

I’m oddly deflated by his response. “Okay.” I don’t tell him some form of support would be appreciated.

An energetic woman waltzes in. “Mrs. Lowe, I’m Mia Huang.”

For a slender, petite woman, her handshake is commendable. I clench my fist a few times and smile at her.

Gio opens his laptop again. He called this meeting, but he doesn’t care to take part in it.

“I’m afraid I don’t have good news. We need to wait. The city has thirty days to respond to your objection. Unfortunately, people on the inside are telling us they won’t take that long.”

“But isn’t that good news?” As soon as I speak, the implications hit me. “Shit.”

“Exactly. So, while we can raise objections, Mrs. Warren secures her interests and there isn’t much we can do about that.” Mia Huang stands up.

“Wait. What are my options here?” I glare at Gio, trying to get him engaged.

“Unless you’re willing to play her game, I don’t see how you can win.”

“Can we expose the corruption?” I hiss, and Gio pins me with an impatient look.

“Lo, by the time we got any proof, Warren would be breaking ground. You might uncover deep-rooted corruption at city hall, but one insignificant head would fall and nothing would change. You’re better off moving the hospice.”

“You know how hard that would be? We finally build up our facility to serve those people in a dignified environment, and now I should start from scratch?”

“Don’t make a scene, or this is the last time I invite you here.”

I inhale sharply, my heart pounding in my temple. A few eyes are on us, some with raised eyebrows.

“I’ll outline possible legal steps in an email to you, but it would be a waste of time. It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Lowe.” Mia strides away.

“She is efficient,” I growl.

“That’s why I’m paying her. Let’s go. I need to get to the airport.” He stands up.

“Wait. What? Where are you going? Scratch that. What am I supposed to do now?” I grab my purse and follow him.

“Find a new location, or endure the noise and disruption for a few months.” He shakes hands with someone, but I don’t really pay attention. Can I get a meeting with the mayor? Can I expose Warren? What did Dominic say at the event?

Mrs. Warren might find a different property to develop to keep certain information about herself out of the public domain.

I don’t want to ask Dominic for help. Especially not when he’s probably using tactics that are like Warren’s.

“Lo.” Gio frowns at me. I didn’t realize he wasn’t talking to the other man anymore. “I’m going to the restroom. Will you wait? I can give you a lift to your office.”

I nod. Not sure why, because I have my driver waiting for me. Probably circling aimlessly around until I call him. What a waste of gas, and not to think of the environmental impact. I text the driver to tell him I won’t need him for the rest of the day.

I should just downgrade to Uber permanently. Would he miss the job? Probably not. I don’t even know his name. He might miss the paycheck. Does he have a family?

Commotion to one side grabs my attention. A young man in an expensive biker jacket stumbles through the door and dashes to the elevators, his helmet dangling from one hand. He’s in his twenties, very good-looking. Could he be a member here?

The concierge rushes up to him and whispers something.

“Let me be, old man. I’m going, okay?” The elevator dings and he enters, flipping a bird at… I guess all of us. Definitely not a member.
