Page 40 of Reckless Dare

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“I came to check on you. We should wait before we both return, pretend to make out.” He winks and I roll my eyes. “To maintain the ruse. Or we can make out for real.” The corners of his mouth curl up.

“In your dreams,” I deadpan.

“It would be more believable if you came out with your hair messed up a bit…”

He lowers his voice, and somehow I can feel his breath in my hair, which is physically impossible.

“Your cheeks flushed…”

Heat spreads over my face.

“Your lips swollen…”

On instinct, I lick my lower lip.

I hate that my reactions are so visible. At least he can’t see me clenching between my thighs. He can’t hear my heart thumping against my ribcage.

I desperately try to control my breathing, because now the picture of him ravishing my mouth is stealing all the available oxygen.

A grin spreads across his face before he bounces off the bed. “We should help set the table.” He ruffles my hair and opens the door for me, effectively shutting me up if I don’t want my parents to hear me snarling at him.

“I’m so glad you invited yourself to dinner.” Fake honey laces my words, and Dominic chuckles. He enjoys this way too much.

“And I cooked for you, Chils.” He squeezes my ass right as we turn the corner, forcing me to swallow a yelp and keep the chain of invectives in my head.

Dinner is picture-perfect because no one at the table can hear my internal commentary of “fuck him,” “here we go again,” and “screw this, I’m confessing to my father.”

Aside from those silent remarks, I also do a lot of gesturing—in my mind as well. Among the top three is eye rolling, head shaking and bird flipping.

I join the others in gushing over the culinary mastery, which pisses me off further because the meal is delicious. But then Bianca led the project, and she bakes a mean lasagna, so there is no surprise there.

At least my rectangular table has room for one chair at each side and Dominic sits across from me. Otherwise I’m sure he would continue manufacturing affection with his arm around my shoulders, his hand on my leg, or squeezing my hand.

Who knew fake dating was so hard? Luckily, as soon as we finish eating—which takes a painfully long time sinceDompractically gobbles down half of the dish, asking for two servings—my boyfriend announces he has a call and needs to leave.

“Walk me to the door, Chils.” He grabs my hand and pulls me up.

I avert my face, so Dad doesn’t see my expression.

With his hand on the small of my back, Dominic pushes me toward my front door. I don’t want to feel anything, but I can’t help it. His touch, warm over the thin layer of my blouse, sends conflicting feelings through my body. Conflicting only for my mind because my body feels no confusion, just pure, shameless need.

“This was nice,” Dominic says, his voice carrying across the room to reach the kitchen. “You need to pick up your game, Chils,” he whispers into my ear.

I was so focused on getting rid of him and on the sensation his touch caused, his closeness surprises me. His breath, like delicious sin against my skin, sprouts goosebumps on my neck.

I would secretly marvel at the thrill of it, but he enjoys too much what he does to me, so I revert to annoyance.

Again, distracted by my useless internal fights, he catches me by surprise when he grips the back of my neck with his large palm and coerces my face to him before crashing his lips against mine.

My arms fling up, like I might fly away, but with his free hand he pushes one of them down, grabbing me tightly around my waist. “Come on, Chils, show your dad what a great girlfriend you are.”

I drop my other arm, but don’t give him the satisfaction of relaxing into his embrace. My lack of cooperation doesn’t deter him at all. Dominic teases my lips with his tongue and the traitors part for him.

The faint taste of thyme and garlic somehow makes the kiss more enticing. Mingled with the flavor of manhood he carries around with such confidence, the kiss explodes on my lips with a burning, consuming intensity.

This isn’t the aggressive release I sought when I kissed him the first time. This kiss is gentle, yet firm. Vicious and delicious at the same time. I don’t even know how, but my arms fly up again, this time to coil around his shoulders as I hold on for dear life while he takes me on a ride full of promise, threat, darkness and sin.

He doesn’t move beyond my lips, but I feel the kiss in every hidden crevice of my body, awakening nerve endings I didn’t even know I had. I lose myself in the feel of it, deepening the kiss with my tongue, allowing my body to savor every moment. A growl rumbles up his chest as he welcomes my invasion.
