Page 97 of Reckless Dare

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Why do I care? Or feel irritated by that? Mildly irritated.

Someone approaches me and I look away. Several of the longest minutes of my life later, when my ears are practically begging for silence, I make my way to the bar. This whole socializing gig requires liquid reinforcement.

To my dismay, aside from looking for a drink, I also scan the room to check on the event planner.

I spot her stumbling toward the exit. Fuck. Is she drunk? I doubt she would jeopardize her work that way. She leans her arm against the door frame and lowers her head, before she pushes the door open and slips out.

Before I evaluate my actions, my legs move to follow her.

Oh, oh, the chemistry between Mila and Gio. While you’re waiting for their story, Reckless Deal, enjoy Violet (she interrupted London and Dom’s intimate moment after the disastrous theatre performance) and Art (whose dominant presence didn’t escape Dom) in Chosen By the Billionaire.

In this enemies to lovers romance, the socially awkward hacker brings trouble to Vi’s steps, but their love story is “an excellent read from beginning to the end”, according to a reader’s review.

London and Dominic go on a wild adventure together and Dom surprises her with two proposals (none of them what you may expect). Read all about it in the bonus scene here or type:
