Page 13 of Reckless Deal

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She’s typing on her phone and murmurs a greeting without raising her eyes. Is she pretending not to see me? Fine by me.

Mila holds her coat over her arm, balancing her large laptop bag and her phone in the other hand. Unlike at the gala, she’s wearing a decent dress.

My eyes wander down her curves, stopping at the perfectly round ass. The woman has the body of a goddess. I force myself to lift my gaze before I cause problems HR would kill me for.

I inhale to snap out of my unreasonable fixation, but that doesn’t help much because lavender wafts my way. Something about her essence is so intoxicating, but then I remember her bubbly personality and her unwarranted glaring every time we cross paths, and I return my attention to my emails.

“You?” she yelps as we get off the elevator. What the hell? Was she really unaware of my presence?

“Me.” I nod.

“Is this some sort of a sick joke? You want me to be indebted to you for some weird reason? You have to control everything and everyone?”

“You make no sense.” Scratch the bubbly personality. This woman is crazy. Fuming for some reason.

“This job.” She drops her laptop between her feet and yanks her coat over her shoulders.

“This job?” Is she seriously upset I got her a job? It’s not even a full-time position. “You don’t like the opportunity?”

Mila jerks her head back, staring at me. “I like the opportunity just fine. I don’t like you meddling. Pitying me. I can get a job on my own without your sympathy gestures.”

Is she for real? “Look, if you think I’d have given you a job without knowing you’re capable of doing the said job, you’re delusional. You’re not here because I wanted to help you. The favor was for Gina. And even that wouldn’t have happened if London didn’t sing your praises. The only thing I approved of was giving you a six-week contract. I won’t hire you before confirming you’re the right fit.”

She steps back and blinks a few times. Without thinking about it I step forward, my gait long enough to invade her personal space. This woman draws the worst out of me. Fuck, the HR team will have a field day with my behavior. I step back immediately.

She opens her mouth and closes it again. And as if cornering her right now or my ogling earlier wasn’t concerning enough, despite my annoyance with her, I fixate on those lips.

Perfectly shaped, dark pink, glistening with something, but not lipstick. Fuck, I want to sink my teeth into that bottom lip, full and sensuous.

Her breath hitches and my cock stirs, just like in that dingy storage room at the gala. I need to get laid soon, because this attraction makes no sense. She hates me, as she has suggested many times with her cold shoulder behavior, and frankly, she seems more trouble than she is probably worth.

I better call Lydia to organize a date for me before California to release this stupid sexual tension.

“The last time I checked, talking with respect with your coworkers is one of the prerequisites for theright fit.”

To her credit, she raises her chin and smiles. “I didn’t know Gina interfered. I’m sorry.” Okay, another point for the ability to apologize when she is wrong. Why am I even rating her? She’s Marnie’s responsibility now.

“Look, based on what I’ve heard, you need the job, but I’m not forcing it on you. If you don’t want it, you’re free to go.”

It would be for the best, anyway, because I don’t need her here, tempting me and irritating me at the same time.

I should just leave, but instead—no restraints, Cassinetti—I step closer. Not too close, I’m still aware of our current professional relationship.

She counters my move, steps back and hits the wall. There is enough space between us for another person to pass, and yet her heat spreads over my body.

“What is it going to be, Mila? Are you walking out?”You’re on a roll, Cassinetti.

The blue of her eyes pierces me with hatred, and something else I can’t place. She bites the inside of her bottom lip, but doesn’t waver from my glare, and something about it draws me in more. Like a moth lured to a flame, I lose myself momentarily in the deep blue of her eyes.

The elevator door beside us dings and I jerk away, shocked back into reality. I adjust my cufflinks, annoyed by the whole situation.

“Thank you, Mr. Cassinetti, I appreciate the opportunity. Iwillprove myself.” She turns on her heel and walks away, head held high, tossing her silky hair over her shoulder.

Now I understand why so many CEOs have a private fucking elevator.


