Page 86 of Reckless Deal

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My darling fiancé blindsided us both. As with any business transaction, he keeps his cards close.

I move my chair slightly, so I’m facing her better, but mostly to keep Gio out of my line of vision. I can’t show him my back, so the attempt is only mildly helpful, but I force myself to focus on Hilda.

“I intend to be fully involved. I have been working in social—”

“I don’t think it’s necessary you give Hilda your credentials, darling.” Gio squeezes my hand and I almost gasp. The electricity zips through me at the touch. It might be for show and completely insincere, but I still react. “You’re her boss.”

Hilda’s eyes widen and I don’t blame her. The patronizing tone and his interruption don’t really improve my chances for a reasonable rapport with this woman.

I shoot him a glare and then smile at Hilda. “I’m sure you don’t want your company to become just one of the hundreds of subsidiaries of the Cassinetti holding. You built your commendable client list on your personal approach, and I’d like to continue within that business culture, so let me tell you a bit about me…”

I give her my credentials, and soon we fall into a practical conversation about the company, its goals and challenges.

Hilda presents a clear picture and I provide some suggestions. It’s all top-level, and I have a long way to go to get to know the employees and the clients, but while we eat our meals, Hilda becomes my ally. I think that before she leaves her baby to me, she’ll end up being a wonderful mentor.

Gio doesn’t interrupt our conversation anymore, but that doesn’t mean I forget about his presence. I don’t have to look his way to feel his burning gaze scorching my skin. He hasn’t even pulled out his phone.

I glance at him once. Leaning in his chair casually, he looks like the king he is. His focus is solely on me.

It’s unnerving and exhilarating at the same time. By the time we get the bill, I’m proud of myself for keeping up the conversation under his blazing scrutiny. I’m also so riled up I want to storm away, or yell at him for his games. The man is hot and cold, and I just need a fucking break.

We agree with Hilda that on Monday she’ll introduce me to the team, and we’ll start work on the transition. I’m excited about the opportunity, even though it’s tainted by the way I acquired it. I’ll prove myself.

At the front door, Gio checks his watch impatiently.

“I have to use the bathroom.” I excuse myself to spare my poor heart the humiliation of walking away from Gio without knowing when I’ll see him next. Especially in front of an audience. I say goodbye to Hilda and rush away.

As I wash my hands, my reflection surprises me. I forgot how good I look today. All that effort for nothing.

My fiancé stared, but that’s about it. Besides, he completely blindsided me with the meeting. On purpose. Lydia would have told me what the meeting was about if she knew.

Pissed at the situation, I yank the door open and freeze.



Itug her to me and Mila yelps, forcing me to cover her mouth. Throughout lunch I tried to ignore her scent of lavender and something else. Something primal and overwhelming that pulls me to her against my will. Fucking pheromones.

That curve-hugging dress of a temptress has been driving me crazy since she arrived. Her pretty little nose and pale face with indigo eyes made several men look her way, and I almost bent her over the table right there to show everyone she belongs to me.

But it was nothing compared to the way she put me in my place and took over the meeting. I didn’t tell her about Hilda because I didn’t want her to fret about first impressions. Well, she wiped the smirk off my face, because she handled herself with grace. I hadn’t realized the depth of her experience.

So fucking sexy.

We glare at each other, chests heaving. Pent-up energy from the last weeks zaps between us. I thought the night of our engagement party when I fucked her like I hated her would help me get her out of my system. But there is no forgetting Mila Ward.

She’s under my skin, in my bloodstream, on my mind. She’s everywhere, and yet we don’t spend time together. We can’t. I won’t let her—or me—get attached. That’s not what this union is. It’s a transaction.

I relax my hand on her mouth and fist her hair, angling her face. I put my other hand next to her head, caging her between me and the wall. Our lips are almost touching. God, I want her.

“Did you miss me, fiancée?” I nuzzle her neck and inhale.Mine.

She braces her hands against my chest, but doesn’t push me away. I breathe in the air she exhales. We stand there, glaring and panting.

“Let go of me,” she rasps, but she still doesn’t push me away.

“Why are you so pissy?” What was she expecting this arrangement to be about?
