Page 9 of Reckless Deal

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“That’s me.” I smile.

She rushes to me and hits the elevator button. “We’ll go down to procurement, so you can get started on the paperwork. I’m Portia Krane, and you’ll be reporting to me.”

I’m pretty sure my jaw falls to the floor. Reporting to her? I’m glued to the spot as I try to make sense of her words, and I don’t realize she has stepped into the elevator. She makes an impatient noise, holding the door open for me.

“It’s going to be a six-week contract, till mid-January, and afterward we can talk about either a permanent position or an extension.” She checks her watch. “You must have impressed someone because I haven’t seen corporate moving this fast on approving a contract since I’ve been here. Mind you, the new owners might have different processes. We’re all just trying to go with the flow and figuring things out on the go.”

“There are no other candidates? I thought I would present my capabilities?” I’m trying to figure out if there is a chance another Mila Ward has been hired.

She frowns, checking her phone. “There’s no bid for this position. I was told you’re working on the social media plan execution. And while I don’t like when someone makes hiring decisions for me, I checked you out, and six weeks won’t kill me. Especially if you prove yourself. Don’t screw me over.”

I blink a few times, unsure how to respond to her unwelcoming welcome, but beggars can’t be choosers, and the fact that someone recommended me here and I got hired is too good to be true for me to fuck it up. Perhaps one of London’s guests from the gala?

“I hope you can spend a few days in California next week,” Portia continues as we get out of the elevator. “We’ve redesigned the stores there, and if the re-branding is successful we’ll be rolling it out to the rest of the country. Our VP, Marnie Kowalski, will go as well.” She speaks as fast as she walks, and I type while I try to follow. “Are you on your phone?” She stops abruptly and I stumble.

“Taking notes.” No wonder she has this fit figure if she speed-walks the endless corridors. My heart hammers in my chest, but if I’m honest, it’s not just from her speed.

“Oh, great. I like efficient people. Where was I?” She turns to march again. “Oh, yeah, it’s not ideal you’ll be out there by yourself with Marnie, but we have a few issues here and I’ll be staying. Marnie is okay, though. You can learn a lot from her. Good, here we are.”

She knocks on a glass office and opens the door, not waiting for the answer. “Rob, I have Mila Ward here. Could you set her up with paperwork and then help her find the HR department?”

An older, bald gentleman with glasses and checked shirt looks up from his computer. “Give me a moment.”

Portia turns and makes eye contact for the first time since we met. “Good. Today is going to be a long boring day of trainings, instructions, manuals, etc. I blocked tomorrow morning in my calendar to brief you on everything. HR will show you your desk later. Welcome to the team, Mila.”

I watch her leave, still unsure what has just happened, but before I can contemplate it further, Rob clears his throat.

I sit across from him, and he puts paperwork in front of me. I glimpse the hourly rate and my breath hitches. Even if this gig lasts only six weeks, I’ll be able to get at least three-months’ worth of meds for Annie and pay the rent. Maybe even take care of some credit card debt.

“For a contract like yours, I need to file three competitive quotes, but I guess when you know the boss of the bosses, things get expedited.”

I have a feeling he’s more concerned about the shortcut in the procedure than my capabilities, or my connection to said boss, but my joy over the contract is suddenly tainted.

I don’t even know who my benefactor is, and I already feel like I’ll have to prove myself doubly hard because of his help.

I quickly fill out all the forms and sign the documents, but before I leave to find HR, I can’t help but ask, “Who is the boss of the bosses, Rob?”

It’s a fine balance between sounding sweet enough to get him on my side and not sounding completely stupid that I don’t know who he’s referring to.

I did my research on The Wings, but I didn’t dig any deeper than that. I should have, since of course I missed something.

Rob doesn’t even look at me, already typing away on his computer.

“What do you mean? Giovanni Cassinetti, of course.”



“Careful you don’t collapse. You’re pounding that belt like you haven’t gotten laid in a while.” Conrad whips his towel in the general direction of the treadmill I’ve been abusing for almost an hour now.

“Real mature, asshole.” I pant, punching in a few more digits to incline.

Sweat drips from my forehead, but the release is not coming. Lately, no matter how much I try to reset my brain, I can’t seem to shake off the agitation. “When did you come back?”

“Last night. I can’t say I missed the fucking cold. Why does anyone live in New York during winter?” He sits on a bench and starts lifting weights.

I finish my uphill sprint and slow down the machine, wiping my head with the towel. “You should have stayed in San Diego.”
