Page 15 of Ten of a Kind

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“Ava, sweetheart.” A weak smile crossed his face.

“Hi, Charles.” I placed my hand on his.

“What on earth happened?” He stared at me, noticing the bruising on my face.

“I was in a car accident yesterday, but I’m okay.” I stared blankly at him for a moment and closed my eyes.

“Don’t let her fool you, doc. This body is very sore and stiff. Those motherfuckers need to pay for causing that accident.”

“Hello, Kate. It’s been a while.” He smiled. “What happened?”

“Two assholes were road raging like morons and caused the whole thing. I took control because I saw it coming.”

“That was noble of you, Kate, but remember what we’ve discussed before.”

“Yeah, I know, Doc, but it’s what I do. You know that. I always have.”

“And you always doing that isn’t helping her either.”

“Anyway, she met someone, and I don’t think she’s going to tell you about him. I thought you should know.”

My eyes closed again, and when I opened them, Charles was staring at me.

“Who is this man you’ve met, Ava?”

“Damn you, Kate.” I shook my head.

My phone dinged, and when I pulled it from my purse, I had a text message from an unfamiliar number.

“Good morning. It’s Grayson. How are you feeling today?”

A smile crossed my face.

“Good morning. Sore and stiff, just like you said I would be.”

“Ah, not too bad, I hope. About that dinner. Are you free tomorrow night?”

“Yes. I am free tomorrow night.”

“Excellent. I’ll pick you up at six-thirty.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

“I take it that was him?” Charles asked.

“Yes. He’s taking me to dinner tomorrow night.”

“May I ask who this man is?”

“Dr. Grayson Kind. He’s the man Freya brought home from the bar.” I sighed.

“Kind? Is he any relation to Dr. Charlotte Roman-Kind and Dr. Christian Kind?”

“Charlotte is his cousin by marriage.”

I explained the events of our unexpected run-ins—the one at the medical center, Target, and at the hospital.

“He drove me home last night, and we had dinner together at my place. He seems like a really good man, Charles. I’m attracted to him, and I’m scared. You know my track record.”
