Page 45 of Ten of a Kind

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“He’s really nice, plays soccer, and he’s smart. We’re friends, Dad. You’ll like him.”

“No, I won’t.”

“Dad, stop it. He’s coming, and you better not embarrass me. None of you better embarrass me.” She stared at all of us. Especially you, Uncle Simon.”

“Aw, come on, kiddo. Would I do that?” Simon tipped the beer bottle to his lips with a smile.

She cocked her head and narrowed her eyes at him.

“I mean it,” she said.

“We can talk about this later,” Stefan said.

Lily climbed off his lap. “There’s nothing to talk about. Mom already said he can come with us. I was just telling you now so you can get over it before Saturday.” She ran back to the house.

Stefan sat there, shaking his head.

“Teenagers and hormones. Gotta love them.” Simon grinned.

“Shut up, douchebag,” Stefan said.

“Speaking of Saturday. I invited Ava to come with us,” Simon said.

“You did?” I glanced at him. “When?”

“This morning. I went to your house and apologized for that night at the restaurant.”

“Is she coming?”

“She said maybe. If you’re coming with us, you better ask her yourself,” he said.

“I’m coming.” I smiled. “I’ll text her later.”



“I’ve missed you so much,” I said as I hugged Hannah.

“I missed you too.”

We grabbed her luggage and headed to my car.

“So, I want to hear all about this Grayson guy.” She smiled as we climbed into the car.

“He’s amazing.” I grinned as I buckled my seatbelt. “He lives on the beach in Venice in this gorgeous house, has a twin brother who lives next door, and is a trauma surgeon at Cedars.”

“Wait a second. He’s a freaking surgeon? You said he was a doctor, not a surgeon.”

“Many of his cousins are surgeons and live on the beach by him.”

“What about his twin? What does he do?”

“He’s an internist at the Kind Medical Center. I don’t know, Hannah. I think I’m falling in love with him.”

“Girl, stop it. You barely know the guy.” She playfully slapped my arm.

“I know, but I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.” I glanced at her.
