Page 10 of Fall in Kentbury

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“Well, if you don’t have anywhere to go, you’re welcome to stick around here for a bit,” she offers kindly. “I could use an extra baker, even if I can’t pay much.”

I pop the last delicious bite of croissant into my mouth and smile. “I’d love to learn how to make these amazing pastries, though you’ll have to be patient with me—baking really isn’t my strong suit.”

“You just need a good teacher, dear,” she says with an encouraging wink. Then she adds, “So who’s this elusive grandmother you’re trying to find? Maybe I could take you to meet her.”

I hesitate before answering quietly, “She’s kind of hiding from me, I think. The guy who runs Harris Orchard already warned me away from her.”

“Oh, Bishop. I wouldn’t worry about him, he’s just a big softie,” she scoffs. “I can take you to meet your grandma, what’s her name?”

“Eugenia McFolley,” I reply, watching her closely.

She studies me for a long moment, then shakes her head sadly. “I’m so sorry Ulysses didn’t show you the love you deserve, sweetheart. But while you figure things out, you’re welcome to stay with me as long as you’d like.”

My eyes widen in surprise. “You know my father?”

She reaches across and pats my hand gently. “I’m Eugenia, but you can call me Genie or Grandma Genie, dear.”



McKay’s cardisappears down the road in a blur, leaving me clenching my fists in frustration. I should call my cousin, the town sheriff, and see if he can give McKay a speeding ticket or better yet, get her out of Kentbury before she reaches Genie. And though I have plenty of chores to do at the orchard before the Fall Festival starts, I decide to take matters into my own hands before McKay’s presence becomes a big problem.

I leap into my truck and peel out, tires spitting gravel as I race toward the bed and breakfast, hoping to catch McKay there. Instead, I find Knightly in the kitchen, apron stretched over her swollen belly.

“Shouldn’t you be at home with your feet up, Lee?” I ask as I stride through the doorway, scanning the room. “You should leave the cooking to André.”

Knightly rests a hand on her bump and rolls her eyes. “I’m pregnant, not sick. This little one won’t be here until February.” She turns back to the stove, dismissing me with a wave of her hand.

I step closer, jaw tightening, hands curling into fists. Why is she always so fucking stubborn? Landon should be taking better care of my sister, but knowing her, she won’t listen to him either.

“Have it your way,” I mutter through gritted teeth.

She glances at me over her shoulder, one eyebrow raised. “Why are you here in the middle of the day?”

I meet her gaze, eyes narrowing. “You gave Genie’s address to one of your guests.”

“Yeah, her granddaughter,” she states with a big grin.

Why is my sister so trusting?

“That woman is here to drag Genie to Boston and take over her properties,” I hiss, leaning in.

Knightly’s forehead creases in a frown, spoon pausing mid-stir. “And how exactly do you know that?”

I open and close my mouth, hesitating. Heat crawls up my neck as memories of the weekend flash through my mind. “It’s not important,” I mumble, looking away.

“Somehow I don’t believe that.” She folds her arms across her chest, eyes narrowing.

I rake a hand through my hair, struggling to rein in my frustration. I don’t want to discuss how I met McKay—Knightly’s either going to laugh or have some other reaction I’d rather avoid.

“We can discuss it later,” I say, unable to meet her scrutinizing gaze. I just need her to drop it for now. “Can you just tell me where McKay is?”

Knightly purses her lips. “Are you asking me to help you track down my guest?”

My sister is part of Kentbury’s underground network. With a few quick texts, they can locate anyone in town in seconds.

I give Knightly my most innocent, pleading smile. “Would you mind?”
