Page 14 of Fall in Kentbury

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She scoffs. “If I tell you I’m an introvert, would you believe me?”

I burst into laughter, head shaking in disbelief.

“I can’t remember how much I told you, but it had been a hard week. It seemed easy to start drinking and get tipsy while I was with my sister. But then … tipsy became drunk. I couldn’t stop myself from blurting everything. That’s really not my style. I generally prefer to keep to myself.” She looks down, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Well, I’m glad I’m the one who took you home and no one took advantage of you.”

Her cheeks flush pink. “Also sorry for being so forthcoming. I’m never like that.”

“You never spread … anyone on a cracker?” I ask teasingly, enjoying watching her blush deepen.

She bites her lip, eyes darting away shyly. “Not really.”

“And your boyfriend never gave you orgasms, huh?”

She shuffles her feet, cheeks now scarlet. “Ex-boyfriend. And yeah, I never … he was bad in bed. It was like having a pap smear.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” I shake my head, arms crossed over my chest. “Why are you here, in Kentbury? I thought you said you wouldn’t come.”

She fidgets with her fingers, eyes downcast. “I’ve come to the conclusion that my family is too self-centered. I wanted to figure out why Dad is so heartless. I thought my grandmother could answer a few of my questions.”

“And did you get your answers?”

McKay nods, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Some, yeah.”

“Now you’re leaving.”

“I don’t have a plan just yet,” she says softly, peeking up at me. “And it would be nice to learn more about the only good person I’m related to.”

I rub the back of my neck uneasily. “Listen, your grandmother matters to us. If you’re here to—”

“I’m only staying a few days or weeks,” she interjects. “My ulterior motive is to get to know her and learn how to bake. She’s not what I expected, you know?”

“Just don’t cause any trouble while you’re here,” I say, unable to keep a small smile from tugging at my lips.

She raises an eyebrow. “Trouble? Me?” She places a hand on her chest in mock offense. “I’m nothing but an angel.”

“An angel who can’t hold her liquor, apparently,” I joke.

She laughs, the sound warm and melodic. “Good point. I solemnly swear not to overindulge again while I’m here.”

Her smile makes my heart flutter despite my attempts to keep my distance. As we continue chatting on the doorstep, I can’t help but feel a spark of anticipation for what’s to come during her stay, however short it may be. There’s something special about this woman, and I want to find out what it is.



My mind is still reelingafter the emotional conversation with my grandmother, dredging up my father’s painful childhood, and how it shaped the flawed man he’s become. Sympathy wars with frustration inside me. Dad lost so much, yet chose to carry on that cycle of dysfunction. And my poor siblings are already mirroring him, absorbing those twisted lessons.

“Are you okay?” Bishop’s gentle voice cuts through my turbulent thoughts.

I force a smile, even as my stomach knots. “Yeah, just trying to think of somewhere I can go to unwind at this hour. There must be something like a bookstore or a coffee shop open, right?”

He chuckles softly. “This is a small town. Almost everything is closed before eight. Though …” He taps his chin thoughtfully. “You could always try the ski resort. If I remember correctly, their room service is open until midnight.”

I can’t help but laugh at the implication. “Getting a room just to binge on desserts and hide from my family seems a bit dramatic, even for me.”

One of Bishop’s eyebrows quirk up teasingly. “That’s very specific.”
