Page 3 of Fall in Kentbury

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But the words die on my lips as I take her in. My heart stutters. Her beauty hits me like a punch to the gut. Delicate features framed by waves of dark brown hair. Large, hazel eyes regarding me with a twinkle of mystery. Her full lips parted slightly as she studies my face.

There’s an undeniable charm to her, an elegance that’s both timeless and youthful. It’s not just about her looks. It’s the confidence with which she occupies her space, the intelligence evident in her eyes.

She’s somehow familiar. She has a face I’ve seen before but can’t quite place. It’s not just that, though. Her presence is magnetic, and I find myself inexplicably drawn to her.

Get it together, Hops.I clench my jaw, willing my thudding heart to slow down. She’s just a woman in a bar. I came here to let loose, not lose my head over some stranger.

“Hi,” she finally speaks, her voice as soft and hypnotic as her presence. For a moment, the din of the bar fades away, and there is only her—those mesmerizing eyes locking with mine, full of mystery. A shiver runs down my spine. Fate brought us together tonight, and I intend to make the most of it.

The spell is broken as the bartender approaches. “What are you having?”

I glance at her empty glasses—a margarita and a tumbler. “I’ll take a scotch on the rocks. And for you, darling? Another scotch?”

She sways slightly on the barstool. “You spread on a cracker,” she mumbles under her breath.

My smile falters. The enchanting haze of our meeting shatters. Though I’d love to oblige her wishful thinking, she’s clearly not in a state to consent.

The evening I had envisioned is over.


I scan the bar, searching for a friend or someone who might be responsible for her. “Are you here alone, darling?” I ask gently.

She glances hazily around the bar. “Yeah, my sister left me to go to her amazing husband and the terrors.”

I furrow my brow in confusion. “The terrors?”

“My niece and nephew,” she whispers, leaning in close. “They’re cute but destroy everything they touch.”

I laugh under my breath. “So your sister just left you here alone after you had”—I gesture at the empty glasses—“all that to drink?”

She waves a hand dismissively. “I’m a big girl. I can just get a ride whenever.”

I study her glazed eyes and wavering balance on the barstool. “And where is home, exactly?”

“Not far,” she mumbles evasively.

Something tells me she might not remember much about tonight, let alone make it home safely. Thinking of my own sister, I decide to take charge of this woman, at least for now.

“Well, why don’t I make sure you get home okay?” I offer.

She gives a sloppy grin. “You’re hot, but what if you’re a thief or murderer or something?”

I chuckle. “You really need to lay off the true crime shows.”

She jabs a finger at me. “Still, I don’t know you. You’d have to at least buy me dinner before taking me home.”

“Fair enough.” I extend my hand with a smile. “Bishop Harris, pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“McKay McFolley,” she responds. When our hands meet, a spark of electricity shoots up my arm. Her touch ignites something primal within me, radiating outward until my whole body thrums with awareness.

I clear my suddenly dry throat. “Why don’t you let me know where to drop you off before I head back to my hotel?” I catch the bartender’s eye. “I’m taking her home. Here’s my ID, so you know who I am.”

He glances at it and jots something down before handing it back with a grumble. “Don’t know why her sister ditched her like this.”

I have a few guesses, but getting McKay somewhere safe is my priority.

“Come on, darling, let’s get you home.” I help her stand, keeping an arm around her waist for support.
