Page 139 of Gone Too Far

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“Better late than never!” Falco tossed back.

Kerri pulled the door open, and Cross had the strangest look on her face. Kerri blinked, realizing she hadn’t come alone.

A child—a little boy, maybe three or four—stood next to her. “Hey,” Kerri said to the child before her questioning gaze shot back to the other woman’s.

“This is my son, Edward.” Unadulterated terror shone in her eyes. “I’ll explain later.” Cross took a big breath and pasted on a wide smile. “I’m determined to do this right—I have to—but I have no idea where to start. I was hoping you could help.”

Her son? But her baby ... wow. Kerri reminded herself to breathe. This was incredible. She smiled, grateful for one more good thing to have come of these tragedies. “Come on in. I think we can figure this out.”

She ushered Sadie and her son inside and made the introductions. Falco did a good job of recovering quickly from his own shock. Tori immediately got down on her knees and started talking to the little boy, who spoke perfect English.

They solved complicated, high-profile homicides every day. She and Falco could certainly handle whipping Cross into a good mommy in no time.

“Come on,” Kerri said to Cross, “we have a lot to talk about.”

Maybe that vacation would have to wait a bit.

Sadie Cross was pretty much family now.

And family came first.

