Page 128 of The Nature of Secrets

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Finley laughed, felt a burst of freed tension. But there was one other thing she needed to make right first. “I have one condition,” Finley said, “regarding our efforts going forward.”

Her mother studied her a moment. “What condition is that?”

“Forgive Jack. Forgive yourself, and let’s get back to being a family, Jack included.”

The Judge appeared taken aback for about two seconds, and then she took another couple to consider the request. “I’ll work on that.”

Finley nodded. It was the best she could hope for ... for now. “I have to go. I’m picking up Matt at the hospital.”

He was going home today, and Finley intended to take care of him the same way he had her.

O’Sullivan Residence

Shelby Avenue, Nashville, 4:00 p.m.

Finley hurried around to the passenger side of the car. Matt had the door open, and she gave him a hand climbing out.

He groaned. The doctor had said he would be sore for a while but recovery should be smooth sailing. Either way, Finley had brought him home with her. His house was a sprawling three stories with his suite on the second floor. Her house was all on one floor. Closer to downtown and work.

Thankfully Jack and one of her neighbors had gotten a new bathroom sink installed.

Helen Roberts, her dog in one arm, the water hose in her other hand, watched from across the street.

Finley waved at her neighbor, and Roberts waved back. Not only did she wave, but she smiled. Finley smiled in answer. The lady had probably saved her life last night. Finley would forever be grateful to her.

As she and Matt made their way up the walk, Finley noticed the buckets of paint. She had no idea what color Jack had decided on. She had left it up to him. He and her father were going to whip the place into shape, Jack had told her. She liked that the two of them would be working together. Two of her favorite people.

In the house, she settled Matt on the sofa. He was her other favorite person.

“The Judge called as I was driving to the hospital. She insisted on bringing over dinner tonight. I hope you’re up for that.”

“She’s coming here?” Matt looked surprised.

He was no more surprised than Finley. She wasn’t sure how they would get back to a normal mother-daughter relationship, since they’d never really had one, but she was willing to take it one step at a time. “She is. Dad too. And Jack. He’s bringing dessert.”

“Okay, now I’m worried,” Matt said. “Are you sure the doc didn’t say I was dying?”

Finley laughed. “I’m positive.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit beside him. “This has been a lot to take in. You sure you’re okay? You’re working things out with the Judge. Putting the Dempsey business behind you.”

“I’m also considering your suggestion, Mr.Chief of Staff in the Governor’s Office. I might just look into running for DA. I can’t have you getting so far ahead of me.”

He smiled. “That’s awesome. And I might just be able to wrangle an endorsement from the governor. He talks a lot about fresh blood.” Matt searched her face, his concerned. “You know, you can take this a piece at a time. No one will think less of you if you don’t go so fast.”

“No.” She shook her head firmly. “I’m not wasting any more time. I want to get on with my life. I want to make a difference. And I want the people I care about with me.”

“I hope that includes me.”

“You’re right at the top of my priority list.” She wasn’t sure how to tell him just how much he meant to her.

He stared at her for a long moment, and Finley wondered if he wanted to kiss her as badly as she suddenly wanted to kiss him.

But that was one fresh start she intended to take very slowly. Her relationship with Matt was far too important to risk acting prematurely. She had finally found closure on the past fourteen months. The horror ofthatnight, losing Derrick, living with the guilt. She was putting it behind herself and moving forward. She wanted Matt with her every step of the way. Not just as her best friend but as the man she loved so, so much.

They talked and laughed until Matt dozed off on her. She tucked a pillow beneath his head and pulled a throw over him. She walked to the front window, smiled at the cat curled up on the glider. She’d have to come up with a name for the little guy. Or girl.

She made a conscious decision not to call this place the murder house anymore. Yes, Derrick had been murdered here. But it was home now, and she was fairly certain Derrick would be good with the change.

Somewhere in the distance she heard the wail of a police car.

She smiled.Watch out, Nashville. Finley O’Sullivan is about to shake things up.
