Page 110 of All the Little Truths

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Desperate, she nodded. They scrambled onto all fours in preparation for launching into a run.

“We go on three,” Matt whispered.

Finley nodded.

“One ... two ...” Matt darted forward.

Before Finley could make her body move after his premature launch, another shot blasted in the air.

Matt jerked with the impact.

Finley’s heart wrenched. She had to stop this bastard.

She shot into action. Rather than run toward the woods, she scrambled around the end of the car and rushed toward the shooter.

He leveled his aim on her.

Finley braced but kept going. Rage driving her. She had had enough.

A car whizzed past her, cutting between her and the shooter and causing her to stumble back onto the ground.

The shooter swung his aim toward the car, but it was too late. The car plowed him down.

Finley leaped to her feet and ran in the direction where Matt had fallen.

He was down. Her heart lunged into her throat. Then he moved. Relief rushed through her.

She dropped to the ground next to him. “Are you hit?”

“He got me in the thigh, but I’m okay.”

Finley tried to see in the darkness. She could see the blood but not how much. What if he’d hit an artery? “How badly are you bleeding?”

The sound of sirens in the distance had another surge of relief flooding through her.

“Help me up.”

Finley pushed up and helped him to his feet. They started the slow walk-hobble toward the road. Her entire body shook with the receding adrenaline.Please let him be okay.

A figure stood over the downed shooter. Finley couldn’t tell who it was. Male, she thought. She tensed. Hoped to hell it was friend and not foe. She was so fucking over having thugs messing with her life. Anger burned through her, giving her the strength to push on. She had to get help for Matt.

Four police cruisers pulled to the side of the road behind the car the shooter had been driving.

An ambulance skidded to a stop behind the last of the cruisers.

Thank God.She wanted to weep with relief.

The man who’d run down the shooter hurried in their direction. Finley’s pulse skittered with a jolt of shock as his face came into clearer view. “What the hell is he doing here?”

“You know this guy?” Matt asked with a grunt of pain.

Finley made a sound that should have been a laugh but didn’t quite make the cut. “I sure do.”

Howard Brewer.

The overwhelming sense of gratitude almost made her knees give way.

“You two okay?” Brewer asked.
