Page 15 of Virtuous Lies

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“Thank you,” I whisper, toying with the tulle of my skirt.

“You’re welcome.”

I feel every bit of my eighteen years in comparison to Vincent's thirty. He’s aman,and unsure of how to hold myself, I epitomize a clueless teenager.

Brushing my hand over my ponytail, I twirl the ends of my hair around my finger.

“I like your hair like that.”


He clears his throat. “Your hair,” he repeats. “I like it up like that.”

I touch my pearl headband absently. “Thank you.”

“You have a habit of hiding under your hair,” he tells me. “This removes that problem for me.”

“I don’t hide,” I argue quietly. “You’re intense... sometimestoointense.”

“Exactly,” he states. “You duck your face and hide behind your curtain of hair.”

“Well, don’t get used to this,” I bite out. “I plan on hiding from you forever.”

He smirks, and I hate how much I want to taste his smile. He didn’t kiss me the way I expected him to when the priest pronounced us man and wife. He tapped a chaste kiss on my lips, and that was it. Now I’ve been left wanting something from him I never imagined I would.


“Why didn’t you kiss me?”

His head turns toward me slowly, his dark brows pulling heavily over his eyes.

“This may have been a business transaction for you, but that farce back there was my wedding. The only one I will have. I didn’t get to dance or celebrate the way I should have. You could have at least kissed me like you could stand my presence.”

He pulls into the undercover parking lot of a flashy building on Park Avenue, and when he doesn’t respond, I turn to look out the window, watching as we move farther and farther underground.

It seems fitting. I’ve married a form of the devil. Driving into the depths of hell is a given.

“Will you employ Andre as my driver?”


I sigh, not in the least bit surprised at his curt response.

He parks and exits the car within seconds. I follow his lead, leaning back into the open door when he comes over to my side. He looks at the open door and then at me.

“Moving forward, I’d like to open your door for you.”

I look at him skeptically. “Why?”

“I don’t need to divulge my reasons. Is it something you’re comfortable with?”

I close the door, resting against it. “That’s fine.”

He dips his chin in approval, and I curse myself internally for preening under his silent praise.

“I’ll have someone collect most of your things tomorrow. Which bags will you need tonight?”

“The two white ones.”
