Page 88 of Virtuous Lies

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The server steps back. “I’m sorry.”

“You will be if you attempt to flirt with my husband again,” I mumble under my breath.

She moves away, and Gabriella laughs.

“We’re getting you that fucking dog.” He cups my cheek, pulling me into a kiss. “I need something to occupy your time so you don’t attack everyone you think wants to fuck me.”

“Think?” I murmur against his lips.

“Mm,” he agrees, kissing me tenderly.

“I’d like to see your reaction to random men coming onto me.”

“I’d kill them,” he declares easily, and I don’t doubt for a second he’d follow through on his threat. “I want to kill at least five men in this restaurant alone that have looked at you for a second longer than they should be allowed.”

I let him kiss me again.

“Okay. That’s enough. Family member sitting at the same table.”

Vincent turns to look at her. “Lower your tone talking about family when we’re in public. Ears are everywhere.”

She rolls her eyes.

“Enzo and I have been speaking,” he speaks quietly across the table.

Gabriella adjusts her hair unnecessarily. “Oh.”

“My protection won’t be enough when we tell the family about you.”

She blinks, uncertainty coiling itself within her posture. Her shoulders round in, arms crossing her chest defensively.

“You’re eighteen in a few months.”


“Vincent,” I warn.

He ignores me. “I’ll need you to marry.”

“What?” she balks.

“We’ll talk about this when fewer people are around,” he grounds out.

“We’ll talk about it now,” she demands. “You’re the one who brought it up. How can I not be old enough to order alcohol but be old enough to sign my life away to an outdated institution?”

“Lower your voice,” he cautions his sister, but it does little to keep her anger in check.

“I’m not a fucking possession. I won’t be a mindless doll who agrees to marry a man she doesn’t know.”

I suck in a sharp breath.

“Sorry.” Shame forces her face downward.

“We’ll talk about this later,” he repeats.

“Who?” she pushes. “What old sicko am I supposed to marry?”

Sitting back in his seat, Vincent pulls at his shirt cuffs. “Enzo suggested Leo.”
