Page 92 of Virtuous Lies

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He moves to the bathroom without another word, the tight muscles of his naked ass capturing my attention until he disappears from sight. Stopping in our closet on the way back to our room, he pulls on a pair of boxers, much to my disappointment.

I pick up my phone.

Gabbi: he kissed me.

I stare at her text, trying to decipher its meaning.

Bianca: Who kissed you? When? I’m confused.

Gabbi: Lorenzo. When you and Vincent were at the cabin. Vincent forced me to stay with him. Shit got hectic. He kissed me. And now he’s marrying me off to his brother.

Bianca: Gabbi. I don’t know what to say.

Gabbi: There is nothing TO say. I thought. I don’t know what I thought…

“Why do you look so upset?” Vincent walks up beside me.

I lock my phone. “What?”

He hands me my coffee. “Bianca.”

“I was looking at animal shelters and how many dogs are waiting to be adopted, which makes me sad.”

Not a lie. I’d spent time trolling the Animal Care Center’s website last night, my heart breaking at the sheer number of dogs looking for homes.

I’m lying by omission. I know it’s wrong. But Gabriella confided in me, and in truth, I don’t know how Vincent would react to the thought of hisseventeen-year-old sister sharing saliva with theboss.

“We’ll adopt one from the shelter then.”


He slides into bed beside me. “Of course.”

“Are you working today?”

He sips his black coffee. “Nothing pressing. Did you pick out a dog last night in your research?”

I nod. “One spoke to me.”

“Spoke to you?”

“Mm. To my heart. We’re going to be best friends.”

“Show me,” he says, finishing his coffee.

I bring up the website on my phone, finding the black and white fluffy dog I know to be mine.

“This is Panda. He’s three.”

He stares at my phone. “It’s as big as my hand.”

“I know.” I grin.

“Bianca,” he groans. “Where are the Dobermans or Shepherds? Something that could actuallyprotectyou.”

I frown. “I don’t want Panda to protect me. I want to snuggle with him on the couch.”
