Page 94 of Virtuous Lies

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Vincent checks his watch. “It’s nine in the morning.”


He sighs. “Want anything aside from the pretzel?”

I shake my head. “Thank you,” I sing.

He mumbles under his breath, moving to stand in the line.

People watch him, but he’s oblivious to their stares. He exudes a power that pulls attention everywhere we go. How could he not? Three-piece suit, dark hair styled effortlessly, wolf-like eyes that can see into your soul. Vincent Ferrari looks every bit of the made man he is. The danger that slides off him in waves should repel attention, only it doesn’t. If anything, peoplewantto be caught staring. They want to smile or dip their chins. They don’t know who he is or what he stands for, but they long to show him respect.

He moves back toward me with long strides, one hand tucked into his pocket, the other clasped around a pretzel that should look bigger but is dwarfed by the masculinity in his stature.

I reach for the pretzel, but he holds it out of reach.

“Say thank you, wife.”

I smirk. “Thank you.”

He arches an unimpressed eyebrow.

“We’re in public.”

He lifts a single shoulder. “Do I look like I give a single fuck about what anyone thinks? I’d fuck you right here like the good little whore you are, and the only complaining you’d do would be to beg me to go harder and faster.”

My cheeks flame red.

“Now, lean in and kiss me.”

I step forward, and the hand that was only moments ago tucked into his pocket snakes around to my lower back, yanking me forward.

His tongue ducks out obscenely, tasting the bow of my top lip.

I gasp in shock, and he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue inside my mouth.

I moan into him.

He hums in approval, sucking my tongue into his mouth.

I should be embarrassed by the carnal display we’re putting on for the public, but the snare of Vincent’s affection, however indecent it may be, isn’t something I’d ever pass up. He was right, he could fuck me here, in this very spot, and I’d let him. Because even though I’d be on show, I’d be protected by someone who would kill for me. He’d dress me down like a whore, while he safeguarded me like his queen.

He pulls from our kiss first, and my eyes take a moment to open, wanting to savor the violence in his devotion for a second longer.

“Now, every motherfucker in his godforsaken park has seen me fuck your mouth with my tongue. They want to dip their chin in respect, they can show it by keeping their greedy fucking eyes off my wife.”

He thrusts my pretzel into my hand, and I take it, my mouth hanging open.

“Come,” he prompts when I don’t follow immediately.

I move to follow him, jogging to catch up. Panda’s little legs race to keep pace.

“You’re evil,” I smite.

“And you’re turned on.”

I gesture to the noticeable bulge in his pants. “So are you.”

“I’m always fucking hard when I’m with you.”
