Page 48 of Righteous Deceit

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My treasure is wearing her Bianchi armor with fervor, and instead of being offended by her forced disdain, I bite the corner of my lip to hide the accomplishment I feel at her needing to approach me with her guards erected.

“I’m here on business,” she clarifies.

“Then you came to the wrong address. I can take you to Lorenzo. I assume you don’t have a scheduled meeting, considering you turned up at my home unannounced, but I’m sure he’d be obliged to meet with you, seeing as you traveled so far to see him.”

Her pretty eyes narrow.

Eyes that I imagined staring into mine while she lapped at my cock only minutes ago. I grab the towel at my shoulder, remembering how hard she made me come with her fantasy alone.

“My business is with you.”

“Our business could only be pleasure.”

She inhales so significantly through her nose that her shoulders rise with the effort. “It’s too early for this, and I’ve yet to have my morning coffee. Stop.”

I smirk, sauntering past her and letting my naked torso brush against her hand. She lifts it quickly, moving to rub her neck in embarrassment when she sees I noticed.

“Let me make you a coffee.”

“Only if you have espresso.”

“Now, who is being rude?”

“Please,” she corrects her manners.

I pull a mug from my cupboard and meet her eyes. They’re set on my movements, her lips flattened into a thin line of regard. It pisses me off. She forces her way into my house and speaks down to me. She reprimands me on words that in the forest she’d gasp with lust at. She built a wall of disregard around her and welcomed herself into my inner sanctum. For what? To end whatever is building between us. This isn’t a friendly visit. She’s too rigid. Even playing the role of Mafia boss, she’s more respectful. She’s playing a part out of duty, and I hate that she’d even pretend to be someone she wasn’t with me for a second.

My lips turn down in disapproval, and she turns her face away, rejecting my objection.

I clear my throat, and she turns back, raising a pretentious eyebrow. I suck my bottom lip into my mouth, enjoying the way her pupils expand with lust. Keeping her stare, I use the towel I used to clean away the cum she forced me to spill to wipe down her mug.

“While I understand that all of this may be fun for you,” she says with my back toward her as I busy myself making espresso. “I’m done with whatever game you believe you’re playing. You either respect me enough to tell me what the fuck is going on, or you don’t. I’m hoping my assumption that you’re an honorable enough man means you will.”

I’m confused and thankful as fuck that my back is turned to stop her from seeing my chagrin.

“I chase you through a forest wearing a mask with the ultimate goal of capturing you. In what world is that honorable?” My shoulders are tense, but I don’t attempt to relax them.

A sigh of annoyance drifts through my kitchen. “Your extracurricular activities have nothing to do with your character.”

I tilt my head.

“Whyyou chosemyhunt andmeas your subject, on the other hand, has everything to do with your motive and, in turn, who you are as a person.”

I turn, walking casually across the kitchen to place her coffee in front of her.

“Thank you.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I watch as she lifts the glass, placing it against her lips to sip. “Mm,” she praises. “That’s good.”

Victory blooms through my chest, and I let the grin I attempted to contain spread across my face. It wasn’t theexactway I envisaged painting my cum on her lips, but it will suffice.

For now.

“Our presence in the same hunt is purely coincidental.”

She raises an eyebrow. “You expect me to believe that?” She spits the words like venom.

“I don’t give a shit what you believe. It’s the truth.”
