Page 10 of His Greatest Muse

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“It’s done.”

As he crosses his arms over his chest, I search his expression for any hint of what he’s thinking, but it’s no surprise when I find nothing. Not. A. Fucking. Thing.

“Perfect, then. So, we can finish our movie in peace.”

He tips his chin in approval and focuses on the screen. And just like that, the conversation is over. Hopefully, for good.



The boardroom is hot.Too fucking hot.

Several pairs of eyes watch me. Curious, annoyed, worried. Scared. They still don’t know what to make of me. I like it. Means they’ll work harder to please me. With how much they make off my success, it’s only fair.

Being in this room is tiresome. I don’t know why I have to entertain these meetings when I have a manager. This should be her concern.

“There are twenty-one dates so far, including a couple of music festivals and opening acts, but once tickets are released in the next couple of days and we get a better idea of the demand in certain cities, we could always add additional ones. Is everyone in agreement?” the owner and CEO of Swift Edge Productions, Garrison Beckett, asks the room of stuffy execs.

They make sounds of agreement. But would they tell him the truth if they thought otherwise? Does a single one of these people have the nerve to disagree with their boss?

I stretch my legs out in front of me and watch the board at the front of the room change to show a list of dates and corresponding cities. With narrowing eyes, I search through them all, checking that Garrison didn’t go back on his word.

Approval worms through me when I confirm that he didn’t. Every fight Tinsley showed me on her schedule last week lines up with a show. I’ll have Hunter match the rest of them.

Garrison adjusts the cuff of his black button-down and nods. “Great. A tour on the smaller side will be a good first step. Usually, we like to have this information released to the public at an earlier time, but circumstances wouldn’t allow for that this time. We got lucky with the venues having such open availability.” The last two statements are spoken directly to me, but I meet his hard stare with one of my own. I’m not sorry for demanding he bend to my will.

It was either work the dates for me or risk me not performing. We both know I’m not the one scared of losing this partnership.

“Has all of this information been sent to my inbox?” Sparks asks beside me.

Garrison looks to her, the annoyance he feels toward her way too obvious. He doesn’t bother hiding it. His lack of respect for her annoys me.

It’s because she’s young and inexperienced in this industry. But so am I. What she lacks in experience, she makes up for in wit and nerve. The business suits and lined pockets don’t intimidate her.

“Yes. It should be there already.” He looks around the room again. “Any questions regarding these dates?”

I stifle a smirk when Sparks speaks up again. “Noah will have his own bus, correct?”

“We already discussed him sharing the bus with the band,” Garrison replies stiffly.

“And you know he needs his own.”

“Sharing would not work, Garrison,” I add in support.

Annoyance flares in his odd-coloured eyes. Are they brown or green? They look like a shitty swamp.

“The tour isn’t big enough in capacity to have two separate buses for you and the band. That is something I will not budge on.”

For now.

“Drop it, Sparks,” I mutter under my breath when she goes to argue.

She looks at me, cocking a brow as if to ask if I’m sure. I nod.

“Right. We’ll circle back,” she tells Garrison.

He brushes her off and sets his hands on his hips. He’s a tall, skinny guy bursting with arrogance. Maybe I should call him String Bean from now on. He’d hate that. It might take him down a few pegs.
