Page 101 of His Greatest Muse

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Sparks waves more smoke out of her face and looks at me. “No. Why?”

“He’s late.”

“Don’t be a clinger, Tinsley,” Josh mutters.

I narrow my eyes on him. “Don’t be a douche, stoner.”

“Don’t be jealous because Noah wouldn’t text you even if you were the last person alive,” Sparks snaps at him.

He takes a lazy drag of the joint and shrugs, blowing it out slowly. “I wouldn’t text him then either.”

Sparks makes a face. “As if.”

I check my phone again, seeing only two minutes have passed. My gaze flicks to the front door. “I think I should go look for him.”

“Do you want me to come? If he got himself in trouble, he’ll need me, anyway,” Sparks offers.

Josh scoffs into his blunt. “You guys are ridiculous.”

“And you’re stoned and very fucking annoying right now. How about you go to your room and stay there?” I snap.

His eyes widen. “Hiss, kitty.”

“And you wonder why Noah tried to get me to fire you two days into knowing your sorry ass. Smoke yourself silly on this break, Joshua, because you won’t be touching drugs at all once we get back on tour,” Sparks promises. Offering me a supportive smile, she jerks her head toward the door. “Shall we?”

I nod, a sense of appreciation for her forming in my chest. “Thank you.”

“’Course. You’ve called him, I’m guessing?”

“Twice. No answer both times.”

She twists her mouth and claps her hands on her thighs before pushing off the couch. “Let’s go, then.”

I heave a sigh and uncross my legs to stand when my phone starts to ring. My heart jumps to my throat, relief a living entity inside of me when I see Noah’s name on the screen.

When I answer the call, my words come out in a rush. “Noah, you had me worried sick!”

There’s a long pause. “Sweetheart.”

“What happened?” I whisper. My dad has Noah’s phone. He’s calling me from it. “Why do you sound like that?”

“Are you alone?”

Something cracks in my chest. “No.”

“Can you give the phone to whoever is with you? Just for a minute.” He’s pleading with me. Begging. The tremor in his words is all wrong.

The crack spreads.

“Tell me. I know something happened. I felt it. Just tell me.”

A hand touches my shoulder. Rubs it slowly. I tighten my outer shell as my insides chew themselves up. The house is suddenly suffocating. The smell of marijuana makes my stomach roll.

“You need to get to the hospital. Don’t you dare think about driving yourself. Ask whoever you’re with to bring you.”

I bite down on my tongue to trap a sob. Pressing a hand to my stomach, I squeeze my eyes shut and nod.Noah. Oh, God.Noah. My throat tightens, squeezing and squeezing. I can’t speak. Pain deep in my chest rocks me back on my heels.

“Dad—” The word claws its way up my throat.
