Page 130 of His Greatest Muse

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My cock strains behind the wall of my jeans at the hard kiss. I’m fucked up enough to want to take her before she goes inside. To have her meet Cole withmycum leaking from her swollen, used pussy. Would he be able to smell me on her? See her puffy lips and know it was me who just fed on them?

Our kisses grow desperate, a feral tinge to them that only we can ever understand. We’re about to do this together. Side by side, we’ll eliminate the current threat to her.

She’s just as excited to make Cole beg for mercy as I am. To see the life bleed from his eyes as he cries for a miracle that only we can grant him.

My twin flame.

The other half of my soul. My perfect match. I should have known this side of her was there, buried deep down, crying out for me to uncover it. I’m ashamed it took me so long to feed life into it again.

“You’re mine, Tinsley,” I groan into her mouth. “Never his.”

“Yours,” she sighs, swiping her tongue along the seam of my lips.

My beast roars in outrage when I pull my mouth from hers. Its control has been shredded to ribbons over the past few days. The power that comes from his outrage burns at the edges of my very core. I promise him that I’ll satiate his need for his queen when we’re finished tonight. He’s about to meet the monster that hides inside of her, and it might be too much for me to handle without losing my mind.

“Go before I keep you in this car. I’ll be listening.” The words claw at my throat so deep I should taste blood.

A new confidence flares in her eyes. My cock throbs in answer to it.

“I’ll see you soon,” she answers.

Without lingering any longer, she undoes her seat belt and climbs out of my car. I can’t look away from her. The confident sway of her hips as she crosses the street and prowls toward the front door of Knockout Fitness is intoxicating. That’s my fucking girl, afraid of nothing.

Only after she’s used her father’s key to get inside do I drop my gaze to the phone in my lap. Her previous words flow through my head, urging me to open the conversation with my dad.

Me: Lunch is fine.

I send the message and type one out to Alec.

Me: She’s inside. Don’t mess this up like all of the other times you’ve gotten this close to him.

Alec: Don’t worry, Scowls. There won’t be a next time after tonight.

I drop my phone and reach behind my head to tighten the tie of my bandana while I stare at the front of the gym. The countdown has begun, Tinsley’s call silent. It’s up to her now.

* * *


The heavy doors of Knockout slam shut behind me when I step inside. It’s so silent in the empty building that my footsteps echo, each one as loud as a thunderclap in the night. I try to ignore that thought and focus on getting a light turned on. The moment I reach the switch and fill the front room with light, it doesn’t seem quite as scary.

I wander around the gym for the first time in weeks. It’s so different from when I was here last. Construction has finished, and all that seems left to do are the floors and the finishing touches. It feels wrong to bring Cole here. To taint the new space with poison. But it was the first place that came to mind. It’s somewhere I know. A place I feel powerful.

I’m a boxer. I grew up in the original Knockout Fitness. This may only be a replica of that place, but the strength I grew to harness in that place still ripples through me here. Cole won’t have the upper hand. I will.

As the minutes tick by, I wait for him. Some of my confidence ebbs away in exchange for paranoia the longer I stand in the centre of the gym. I feel exposed, each exhale sounding more and more hollow. I’m about to take my phone out to ask Noah if he’s noticed anyone outside when the door rattles.

My blood runs cold. Sweat collects at the base of my spine.

I thought I was ready for this, but when the first foreign footstep clunks on the cement floor behind me, I freeze. Fear shackles me. My breathing shallows, a relentless tightness sawing at my chest.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I curl my fingers into my palms and steel my spine. I dive for the images in my memory of Noah in that hospital bed and the gut-wrenching worry I felt when I got the call he had been hurt. The stolen panties, the photo of me and Noah with that harsh red X across it. I remember it all.

Physically, I’m on my own right now. But Noah’s listening from my pocket, ready to come running in at the first tell of something going wrong.

Letting that calm me even the slightest bit, I force myself to turn and face Cole when the door slams shut. I’ve seen him before. More than once. I heard his voice backstage at Noah’s show when he was asked to sign that woman’s chest and saw him at the tattoo shop and on that pixelated security footage. But this time is different than all the others.

Suddenly, fear is the last emotion rolling inside of me. A vicious anger swells, filling me from the bottom up. Even as it threatens to choke me, I embrace it.
